Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Atlantic Editor Now Admitting That A Key Detail Of His Article That Says President Trump Called Fallen Soldiers 'Losers' May Be Untrue

PJ Media: Atlantic Editor Admits Key Detail of Anti-Trump Hit Piece May Be Untrue

Jeffrey Goldberg, the editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, admitted that a key detail of his article about Trump could be wrong during an interview with CNN on Sunday.

“When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed the rain for the last-minute decision, saying ‘the helicopter couldn’t fly’ and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true,” Goldberg wrote in his piece published last week. According to Goldberg, President Trump was overheard saying he wanted to cancel the trip to the cemetery because “it’s filled with losers.”

At least fifteen Trump administration officials who were with Trump on that trip have now disputed the Atlantic report, including former national security adviser John Bolton.

FOIA documents have also definitively proved that Trump’s visit to the cemetery was canceled due to weather. When Goldberg was asked about evidence that the cancelation was due to inclement weather, he admitted that it was likely true.

“I’m sure all of those things are true,” he told CNN.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: And just like that the entire story is now falling apart. Unfortunately for President Trump. The claim that he called fallen soldiers 'losers' is what many people are going to remember.

Update: Oh groan .... Jeffrey Goldberg is still defending his article, claiming that “the public’s interest in meeting this information outweigh the ambiguities or the difficulties of anonymous sourcing.” (Atlantic Editor Concedes Central Claim Of Trump Hit Piece Could Be Wrong, The Federalist).


Lies and slander have now been reclassified as "ambiguities" and "difficulties."

You just cannot make this stuff up.


Anonymous said...

Former Trump National Security Advisor John Bolton defended President Donald Trump against bombshell claims he insulted and disrespected the military during a trip to France in 2018, but then, seconds later, turned around and called out Trump for disparaging the “top generals” at the Pentagon during a Labor Day White House briefing.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad none of those sources are reputable.

Anonymous said...

When you are grifter, everyone is a mark.

Da Troops, cops, the elderly, family, everyone. All the time.

Anonymous said...

At least this "story" made it through 4 days of news cycle...well done MSM!

Anonymous said...

turned around and called out Trump for disparaging the “top generals” at the Pentagon during a Labor Day White House briefing.

What a flaming asshole 3:10 PM is.

Disparaging a top general or a few top generals many of whom are very political is not the same as disparaging the troops.

General Wesley Clark for instance was and is a very political general.

Wesley was the general who wanted to start a war over Kosovo.

Incident at Pristina airport


"Jackson refused to enforce Clark's orders, reportedly telling him "I'm not going to start the Third World War for you."[5] When again directly ordered to block the runway, Jackson suggested that British tanks and armoured cars would be more suitable, in the knowledge that this would almost certainly be vetoed by the British government. Clark agreed."


Not all generals are deserving of unconditional respect.

So 3:10 PM, sit down & STFU bitch

Anonymous said...

Stop playing games. Start suing these "journalists" for defamation.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for dual citizens

Anonymous said...

Goldberg is a dual citizen?

Goldberg's loyalty is definitely split. His loyalty is first and foremost to his in group, the Democrat Party and then maybe to the United States regardless of party. We are sure of the former and have grave doubts about the latter.

Anonymous said...


Goldberg is pushing the narrative that American passports are useless.

Sure with a German passport you can gain access travel to Europe without a visa, but with an American passport you can gain access to most every country. It is the way it has always been.

Having immigrants in multiple generations of my family I would have heard about American passports not being able to gain entry to countries across the world. I have not heard of such things.

This is more fantasy sand castle built by the Left in their safe space cocoon.

This is just a narrative that they are pushing and trying to convince themselves of while getting their jollies that since Trump is president, people hate America and therefore Americans cannot travel to various countries with American passport.

If Goldberg is playing with that nutter narrative, then how is he writing for a mainstream periodical that has been around for about 160 years?

Other than to drive into the ground and bankruptcy?

Anonymous said...

"He attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he was editor-in-chief of The Daily Pennsylvanian.[5] While at Penn he worked at the Hillel kitchen serving lunch to students. He left college to move to Israel, where he served in the Israeli Defense Forces as a prison guard during the First Intifada at Ktzi'ot Prison, a prison camp set up to hold arrested Palestinian participants in the uprising."


Jeffrey Goldberg: Prison Camp guard


It begs the question. Is Goldberg more loyal to the US or to Israel?

It begs another question. Trump has done more to normalize the relations between Israel and Arab state than anyone since the Camp David Accords. The Camp David Accords work because the US pays out 3 billion a year and Israel gave land to Egypt. A a huge amount of land.

Trump has normalized relation between UAE and Israel. Is the US paying the UAE a billion dollars like Jimmy Carter did to Egypt to get the Camp David accords?

So Trump does all this and Goldberg of divided loyalties repays him by adhering to his true faith the Democrat Party and tries to bring Trump down.

Presidents both Democrat and Republican talk a good game of moving the embassy to Jerusalem and Trump is the only one to do it. And Jeffrey Goldberg fucks him in the ass without lube.

Nice guy Jeffrey Goldberg.




I would like to see Jeffrey Goldberg's college record. Was going to Israel an excuse to bail on college work? I remember a kid in the national guard hoping for an emergency declaration by the governor for flooding or anything that would take him away from school so he could get automatic A's After nearly 4 years he had a D++ average and didn't look like he was going to make 2.0 out of 4.0. Having seen this routine before, I wonder about Goldberg's intellectual capacity. Obviously, it is low enough to be a Democrat loyalist.