Monday, September 21, 2020

China's Military Releases A War Simulation Video Attacking The U.S. Base On Guam

Zero Hedge: China Military Releases War Simulation Video Of Attack On US Guam Base

Following weeks of multiple Chinese fighter jet incursions over Taiwan, the Chinese air force released a shocking video on Saturday showing bombers conducting a simulated attack "on what appears to be Andersen Air Force Base on the U.S. Pacific island of Guam," according to Reuters.

Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu warned Saturday that China was increasing drills and other forms of military pressure with the threat of intervention. Wu said China's crackdown in Hong Kong is a reminder that "Taiwan might be next".

The short video, titled "The god of war H-6K goes on the attack!," was posted on the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) Weibo account, comes as the Chinese military carried out the second day of drills near Chinese-claimed Taiwan.

Read more ....

Update: Chinese air force video shows apparent simulated attack on US base in Guam (The Hill)

WNU Editor: What can I say. More threats from China.

Update #2: China is being mocked for this video .... China military PR film mocked over 'Hollywood clips' (BBC).


Anonymous said...

Guam has a sooper dooper missile shield. It was designed Wiley E. Coyote (Genius) and Hank Johnson (Genius)

Democrat Rep. worries Guam will capsize?

With advanced warning of incoming socialist missiles, all the soldiers and sailors have to do is run to the far side of the island and flip it over. Stupid socialist missiles will just hit bedrock.

Anonymous said...

LoL faces of the pilots after bombing is like in a dream where they just died and lives happily ever after.

Didnt the chinese know that each time their airforce fly they are being manned and being coordinated by allies to the united states? Thats why we use the same sensors and are not opt to buy that is not in the same network

Anon said...

If i were chinese i will release a simulated video how to penetrate the defenses and offenses of the US rather than a video just like above that seems to me like winning a lotto jackpot! LOL atleast from there even in a propaganda video they have done better. tsk they cannot even picture out how it is to be thats why they just like the smiles in the faces of bomber pilots very quickly LOL

Anonymous said...

The use of Hollywood material in their propaganda movie is exactly reflective of the Chinese way of fighting us and exactly represents our lack of understanding their warfare:

STOP laughing at the fact that they steal and copy stuff. They're not dumb. They play without acknowledging our or international rules, norms or laws.

Our/ the US military follows all sorts of laws from copyright laws to intellectual property and human rights laws. Mostly at least. They'd hardly ever use copyrighted material even in their own stuff.

But that's what we lack to understand.

They don't just break rules.

They constantly steal and save money at the same time. They're ruthlessly efficient!

They have concentration camps and slave workers like Nazi Germany and they make you march in the streets forgetting all that, but hypnotized by Floyd, believing in this oh so racist America, while they steal your stuff, have forced labour, forced sterilisation, ethnic cleansing programs and unleashed a virus on us all. After they stole trillions!!!!


Jac said...

Next time, the Chinese propaganda will show that America will lost WW3 against China with just one torpedo sinking one of our fishing boat. Bravo!