Monday, September 21, 2020

Covid-19 Coronavirus Cases Soar In The U.K.

BBC: Covid-19: UK could face 50,000 cases a day by October without action - Vallance

The UK could see 50,000 new coronavirus cases a day by mid-October without further action, the government's chief scientific adviser has warned.

Sir Patrick Vallance said that would be expected to lead to about "200-plus deaths per day" a month after that.

It comes as the PM prepares to chair a Cobra emergency committee meeting on Tuesday morning, then make a statement in the House of Commons.

On Monday, a further 4,368 daily cases were reported in the UK, up from 3,899.

A further 11 people have also died within 28 days of a positive test, although these figures tend to be lower over the weekend and on Mondays due to reporting delays.

Speaking at Downing Street alongside chief medical adviser, Prof Chris Whitty, Sir Patrick stressed the figures given were not a prediction, but added: "At the moment we think the epidemic is doubling roughly every seven days.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.K. is not the only country facing a surge in Covid-19 cases .... Europe adopts tougher virus restrictions as infections surge (AP).

Update: there are skeptics over these predictions .... Tory MPs rebel over threatened new lock-down after rumours emerge Boris Johnson will shut pubs at 10pm - as serious questions are raised over Whitty and Vallance's doomsday claim that deaths could hit 200 a day by November (Daily Mail).

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