Sunday, September 20, 2020

Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden Will Not Release His Supreme Court Nominee List

CBS: Biden indicates he won't release SCOTUS nominee list

Washington — Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden indicated Sunday he will not be releasing a list of possible Supreme Court nominees despite growing pressure to do so. The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday has left a vacancy on the high court and added another twist to the presidential race.

In remarks on the future of the Supreme Court from the National Constitution Center from Philadelphia, Biden singled out President Trump as the only presidential candidate to release a slate of possible nominees to the high court and suggested his doing so both in 2016 and 2020 set a dangerous precedent.

"First, putting a judge's name on a list like that could influence that person's decision making as a judge, and that would be wrong, or at least create the perception that it would have influence," Biden said in explaining why he is not in favor of releasing a list of contenders. "Second, anyone put on a list like that under these circumstances would be subject to unrelenting political attacks, because any nominee I would select would not get a hearing until 2021 at the earliest. She would endure those attacks for months on end without being able to defend herself."

Read more ....

Update: Biden Refuses To Release List Of Supreme Court Contenders (Zero Hedge)

WNU Editor: The Biden campaign believes that avoiding the spotlight and campaigning as little as possible while relying on TV ads is the formula to win the US Presidency in 2020. Refusing to release their SCOTUS nominee list (if they have a list) is just one more example of this strategy. Will it work? We will know in six weeks.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And Fred is in as fine of form as Joer Biden.

Why look at the scintillating argument is made at 8:37 PM. It is the same argument he has made for the last year.

Such novelty

Such intellect

Why, a broken record could not outpace old Fred.

Anonymous said...

People. who would elect the poster boy for the 25th amendment. belong in which circle of Dante's Hell, when they pass on of natural causes?

Anonymous said...

a week ago Trump released his list
1. Cruz
2. Cotton

and this week? ah, a woman
It is the president who nominates and not a candidate for office

Anonymous said...

Trump says 'out of respect' he'll wait until after Ruth Bader Ginsburg's funeral services this week to nominate her SCOTUS replacement - and is looking at 'five names, probably four, very seriously'

Anonymous said...


You had a point other than to try to give bad advice, because you care oh so much?

Why nominate Cruz and have to contest the senate seat? Contest it in the near future we will have to do anyway. But the point would be to do so from a point of advantage. Like fixing the damage the democrats did to the economy.

Politicians have to take politics into consideration. So Trump is going to nominate a woman ...and?

Engineers have to take the river into consideration when managing it for barge traffic. Engineers can plan to dredge the rive often spending lots of money. Or they can make the river work for the common good and have the river sluice itself. Don't tell us that we do not need river channels deep enough for barges. You could try. Your echo chamber would back you up, but you like to eat right and not spend 90%of you budget on food?

So yeah, a politician has to take into account politics alike an engineer has to take into account physics/nature.

Also merely mentioning Cruz or Cotton seriously raises their political stock, name recognition and capital. Name recognition cuts both ways, but you or the rest of the Left have already doxxed everyone, so in reality there is no penalty that way.

Amp1776 said...

He hasn't been given it yet...