Friday, September 25, 2020

Did Democrat Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Really Say That?

WNU Editor: He said this when he was Vice-President. And they say President Trump disrespects the military?!?!?!?


Anonymous said...

They knew this would surface
The lie about Trump was put in place earlier for that reason

Anonymous said...

I had a hard time making this out.

Charitably Biden is code switching like Hillary did before a black audience when she affected a southern drawl and said "I ain't in no ways tired". Biden was using cuss words, trying to use left handed compliments, or being abusive, because, he thought the military people talked that way. I can't remember a commanding officer I have heard talk that way. On ones I have heard in the news who may have talked that way, were in trouble.

Non-charitably, crowd response had been flat and Joe was irritable about it. His applause line had led to no clapping before this. So Joe, while a plagiarist, was savvy enough at the time and experienced enough to read a crowds and know that he was drowning before an audience. It also might be an early indication of dementia. He got mad at the lack of crowd response and did not hold his tongue, when he should have. Sort of like when he called a woman


It could be demmentia combined with a dismissive attitude toward the military or hatred of it. His executive abilities failed due to dementia and the real Joe came out.

If I were in Moscow paid to be a Washington Watcher, I would watch the whole speech to see applause and crowd response to maybe discern which alternative is it.

Anonymous said...

I'll just type in the bright and witty liberal response as delivered by our resident doctorate of philosophy.


Anonymous said...

I agree 5:36, biden was trying to connect but didn't have it. A different generation and he didn't recognize it.

Anonymous said...

He may have been trying to connect, but being a different generation had nothing to do with it.

Joe Biden made sure that both of his sons were JD's. He also saw to it that when they served in the military to punch that ticket they served as JAG. Anything else would not be good enough for his kids.

Joe Biden may have been channeling something inappropriate like:

“Come on you son’s of bitches! Do you want to live forever?” - Dan Daly WW1

But that it is a caricature view of the military and problematic as well for a politician of 1/2 century of service.

It is however in line with calling a vet a "dog faced pony soldier", I think that Biden has a low opinion of trigger pullers like many on the Left.

Myself I have a low opinion of diplomats and politicians, who fail at statecraft and appropriations. If they would not fail, soldiers would be what they should be, The Maytag Man.