Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Did President Trump Downplay The Danger Of The Covid-19 Coronavirus?

Daily Mail: Trump privately said coronavirus 'is deadly stuff' and KNEW it was highly contagious at start of February despite claiming to have it under control - then said 'I like playing it down,' bombshell tapes by Bob Woodward reveal

* Trump called the coronavirus 'deadly stuff' in interview with Washington Post's Bob Woodward conducted in February
* He called the virus 'more deadly than even your strenuous flu'
* Trump told the nation Jan. 30: 'We think we have it very well under control
* On day he spoke to Woodward Trump said China's president 'will be successful, especially as the weather starts to warm & the virus hopefully becomes weaker, and then gone'
* Excerpts are from Woodward's new book, 'Rage'

President Donald Trump spoke privately about the deadly nature of the coronavirus in recorded interviews even as he was publicly downplaying the severity of COVID-19 early this year, before the pandemic would take nearly 200,000 American lives and counting.

The president shared his stark assessment with the Washington Post's Bob Woodward in recorded phone interviews in February, as the virus was spreading from China to other parts of the world.

In recorded interviews that were revealed Wednesday afternoon, Trump – who regularly speaks of his disdain for much of the 'fake news' media – spoke liberally with Woodward about his inner-thoughts on the virus and private conversations with Kim Jong-un – despite having called an earlier Woodward book a 'con on the public.'

'This is deadly stuff,' the president told the Watergate reporter, Washington fixture and author who has interviewed U.S. presidents going back to Nixon.

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WNU Editor: I recall when he said that the coronavirus outbreak was under control at the end of January/beginning of February that I commented that it was not. And he was not alone. WHO and numerous health specialists were saying the same thing at that time. But rhetoric aside, President Trump's actions on closing the borders in February amid massive opposition told me that aside from the President's remarks, the White House was actually treating the outbreak very seriously. And yes. A good leader should never panic the population. But here is an easy prediction. The media will portray this story and the context behind it differently. And they are definitely not going to attack all the health specialists who were saying the same thing publicly at that time.

Update: I just remembered a story from early March where Tucker Carlson went to the White House to meet the President and warn him that he should not underplay the danger of this virus. And then there is the radio talk show host and epidemiologist Dr. Savage who also warned the President that he should not downplay this virus in February. Bottom line. President Trump was aware that this virus was dangerous, but his strongest supporters clearly had doubts on what he was saying publicly.

More News On Reports That President Trump Downplayed The Dangers Of The Covid-19 Coronavirus

Trump admitted to Woodward he downplayed coronavirus threat in early days of outbreak -- CBS
'Play it down': Trump admits to concealing the true threat of coronavirus in new Woodward book -- CNN
Trump admitted he deliberately played down coronavirus threat: Reports -- ABC News
McEnany defends Trump after Woodward book claims he said coronavirus 'deadly,' despite publicly downplaying it -- FOX News


G said...

this man dos not have spiritual insight blind like china leader and the rest

Anonymous said...

War News Updates could learn a thing or two from Gandalf about leadership.

" Abandon your posts. Flee for your lives! " - Denethor

Maybe WNU could do a response surface plot of deaths were deaths or infections are plotted versus transmissibility and lethality.


Look at SARS. It was 10 times more lethal than #19 and yet it barely made a ripple in the U.S.

I do not know if Trump has watched The Return of the King. But he knows the lesson of how leaders should deal with fear.

Anonymous said...

Two items

1) On "the Five" Dana Perino answered why Trump would talk to Bob Woodward. She said Woodward wrote 5 books on the Bush administraiton. Thre 1st book was bad. So when Bob began writing the 2nd one they decided that if they talked to him, things might go better. It didn't,

2) On Tucker Carlsons' Show he said the Lindsey Graham convinced Trump to talk to Bob. Lindsey is pro illegal immigration and against everything that Trump wants. So it begs the question. Did Lindsey advice Trump to help or hurt Trump?

Miss Lindsey needs to be primaried.

Myself I would not be upset with Trump if he signed amnesty so long as he got the wall built first.

I know a class A asshole like Lindsey Graham would at best promise a wall, not deliver and give us Amnesty.

So Trump reached across the aisle and talked to Miss Lindsey and to Bob and look what happened.