Monday, September 21, 2020

Dismissed Captain Of The USS Theodore Roosevelt Claims He Knew He Was Likely Ending His Military Career Over Covid-19 Email

USS Theodore Roosevelt finally arrives back in San Diego after seven months at sea, a COVID outbreak and an ousted captain. In a witness statement made in May Capt. Brett Crozier said that he knew he could possibly end his career with a letter to top brass about the outbreak

Daily Mail: Acting commander of USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier blames Donald Trump for sacking of captain Brett Crozier over coronavirus email - and says it was like 'dropping a nuclear bomb' on the crew

* Navy Capt. Brett Crozier, 50, said that he knew the 'red flare' letter warning about the coronavirus outbreak would jeopardize his position
* In a witness statement made in May, the dismissed caption claimed he acted to prevent a 'larger catastrophe' aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt
* He says that he feared coronavirus would spread further and result in deaths
* A frustrated Crozier sent the letter on March 30, saying that more needed to be done to remove 5,000 sailors from the carrier docked in Guam
* The ship had recorded its first cases in mid-March
* More than 1,200 sailors eventually tested positive for the virus

The dismissed captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt claims he knew he was likely ending his military career when he sent his now infamous email warning to top Navy officials about the coronavirus outbreak on board.

Navy Capt. Brett Crozier, 50, said that he knew the 'red flare' would jeopardize his position when he broke protocol in sending the letter, but he felt it had to be done to save lives aboard the ship as the outbreak worsened.

In a witness statement Crozier made in May obtained by the San Francisco Chronicle, he said he felt compelled to take action as part of an urgent effort to help avoid a 'larger catastrophe'.

Read more ....

Update: Teddy Roosevelt captain says he knowingly risked career with virus warning (Navy Times/AP)

WNU Editor: When you circumvent the chain of command there are consequences, regardless on how right you may be. Here are 6 key takeaways on the USS Theodore Roosevelt's COVID-19 outbreak .... 6 big takeaways from the Navy's full investigation into the USS Theodore Roosevelt's COVID-19 outbreak (Task & Purpose).


Anonymous said...

The death rate in the military has been about 1 in 4000.

Anonymous said...

I smell troll. It is a dirty rotten rancid smell. Kind of like lib.

4th US Service Member Dies of COVID-19 |

Aug 4, 2020

"The Pentagon publishes data every Monday, Wednesday and Friday on confirmed COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, recoveries and deaths within the DoD community."

I heard the death rate in Russia has been about 5,000 in 4,000.

Anonymous said...

I like the Air Force site, the 1 in 4000 is based on recovered vs fatalities, if you use total cases vs fatalities it jumps to 1 in 7000, but that's not being very accurate considering there are still over 15000 active cases.

Also the ages ( 6 of 7) 34,41,46,57,61.

Anonymous said...

1.3 million US active duty and 800,000 reservists

7 deaths.

You gave 5 ages not 6. I would expect the 57 and 61 year olds to be generals not sergeant majors. I wonder, if they passed their last 3 physical fitness tests. Heard lots of bad things about the NJ guard. (Nope they were not generals.)

3 of the deaths were reservists. The state, where they lived, was not given. Again, did they pass their physicals tests? I have heard of bad units. Gun running, hazing, running the track in the dark for testing ,... What were their body fat percentages? Two were in the national guard (one was mentioned previously).

No disrespect, but the Navy Chief looked pretty blocky to me.

I have seen obese people in the military kept in the military because of their MOS. For example I knew an obese physicians assistant, but not the one ion the article you linked.
If you are overweight for a long time, you insulin does not respond to well too sugar level changes in the blood. It becomes insensitive. If your blood sugar level is too high, COVID can do a number on you.

Out of the 1st 6 cases only one was active duty. Are you scared? I am not. You should not be. Myself, I am concerned. Since Covid I went up 5 pounds and that put me into the obese column, which means I have a risk factor.

The whole mask thin is not working. I have been to 6 states recently. Masks are not saving us. They are not being used or used correctly. It is kabuki.

COVID is jut not that deadly. It is not deadly enough to shut down the economy. It is deadly enough to restrict entry into hospitals perhaps for visitation and it is very deadly to people in nursing homes especially in nursing homes situated states run by Democrat governors.

People have to bone up on the immune system and how it works or politicians will run the tables on them again and again.

Anonymous said...

"I like the Air Force site, the 1 in 4000 is based on recovered vs fatalities"

That has some good points to commend the "infection fatality rate."

Still it is a 1st pass stat. Look at treatment, co-morbid conditions, etc. Ask why 5 times as an analytical technique (I find it hard myself).

The national guard and reservists lived in what states? What medical treatment were they given. Medical advice in the USA was abysmal. After COVID 19 is no longer found in the US for several months people will still be dying. Scare mongering can help political careers, but it can be deadly.

One bad piece of advice was to wait until you were really sick and not just a little sick or showing symptoms. That killed people. They did not want to overwhelm the hospitals they said. Hospitals were never overwhelmed.

They set up field hospitals which was great training for active and reserve personnel. Especially since it was for real and not an exercise. So morale was higher. They knocked the cobwebs off the engine of the hospital ships. So that was good. And the ships were not needed, but the NY governor continued to murder people.

Europe is using hydrochloroquinine. The US was not for the longest while. The Democrat governors of Nevada and Minnesota back tacked under the cover of night. How many people did they kill?

Remember remdesivir? Does it work? Is it saving lives? Is the media talking it up or skulking away?

Anonymous said...

COVID overcounts are a problem.

GHOULISH FRAUD: Youngest “C19 Victim” in Michigan Actually Died from Birth Defect where Baby is Born with Intestines Located Outside its Body

10% of babies with gastroschisis typically die.

So maybe it was a partial cause. Maybe.

After corrective surgery babies are not out of the woods.

"Sometimes blood flow to the exposed organs is impaired or there is less than the normal amount of intestine. This may put infants at risk for other dangerous conditions such as necrotizing enterocolitis. Also, because their intestines are exposed, infants with gastroschisis are at increased risk for infection, and must be closely monitored.[5]

After surgery a child with gastroschisis will have some degree of intestinal malrotation. About 1% of children will experience a midgut volvulus after surgery"

COVID is not that deadly, if you are under social security collecting age unlike flu.