Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Editor's Note

Last week I mentioned that the platform that I use for this blog is Google's Blogger, and that they have changed it in such a way that it now takes an enormous amount of time to do a post (my estimate is two to three times more). I am now preparing a second War News Updates site on another platform, and I am learning how to use. What this means is that for the next week or two blogging will be light .


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and good luck with the new site.

Anonymous said...

Nice cover story ;) most important news cycle and you'll be busy doing some IT stuff ;))

Anonymous said...

Is this a stealth method by Blogspot (AKA Google, right?) to get out of the blog business?

"we didn't shut down the platform, we just made it difficult to use which encouraged you all to quit"

Anonymous said...

Thank you for seeking to continue this site, which is really my favorite! Best to you,

Anonymous said...

But Why?

If Google wants to get out of the blog business they could simply state it is not part of their core competency and spin it off in a sale hopefully from their stand point for a profit.

When I first read stealth method before I read the rest, I thought you were going down the route of a stealth method to get rid of non-liberal blogs. They maybe be more non-liberal blogs than liberal blogs. There may be more popular non-liberal blogs than liberal blogs. Has a survey been done?

Certainly Google has done one and has an opinion.

Google has certainly shadow banned conservative blogs.

Anonymous said...

My comment had NOTHING to do with political blogs - I'm assuming they're making it harder for ANYONE to post.

Look up "shadow layoffs', a tactic used by American countries. They don't fire you but they make it impossible to continue working and then you quit.

Anonymous said...

<y post had 2 parts.

The 1st part assumed that Google was doing what they were doing for benign reasons.

Another example that is close that when a radio station is changing formats and wants a different audience they will play the same song on loop for 3 days straight, so people get bored, get frustrated or for some other reason leave the channel.

The 2nd part assumed the worst of Google.

"Look up "shadow layoffs', a tactic used by American countries. ..."
How many American countries are there? I assume there are at least 3. America, Panama and Liberia,