Monday, September 7, 2020

EU Warns Kosovo And Serbia That Their Efforts To Join The EU Will Be In Jeopardy If They Move Their Embassies To Jerusalem

US President Donald Trump participates in a signing ceremony with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, left, and Kosovar Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti at the White House [Evan Vucci/AP]

Al Jazeera: EU warns Serbia over Jerusalem embassy move

EU voices 'concern', casting shadow over Serbia-Kosovo talks, as Kosovo president attempts to calm Muslims' fears.

The EU has voiced "serious concern and regret" over Belgrade's commitment to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, casting a shadow over the resumption of Serbia-Kosovo talks.

President Aleksandar Vucic of Serbia and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti are to meet in Brussels for a second round of EU-brokered, face-to-face talks to resolve two decades of disputes after clashing in war.

The meeting follows a high-profile summit at the White House where Vucic and Hoti agreed to improve economic relations - and in Serbia's case, following in the US's footsteps, committing to moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Read more ....

Update: EU warns Serbia, Kosovo over Israel embassy move (AP)

WNU Editor: Talk about undermining US efforts to bring Kosovo and Serbia together, while sabotaging US efforts in the Middle East.


RussInSoCal said...

Despicable. The US should support the move to Jerusalem and immediately initiate favorable trade status. Screw the EU.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of pricks

Fuk u EU!!

Anonymous said...

Hit them where it hurts and hit them hard. There's gotta be several different ways to do just that. I have a feeling that if Trump is reelected, the gloves will come off and "The Art of the Deal" will be in full evidence.

Anonymous said...

wHAT IF THE uae moves its embassy to jerusalem and tell the EU _cks they won't get oil if they do not follow suit?

I bet all Euro-crats / Eur-trash back this but ,ust ask Merkel and Macron 1st. Merkel is a lame duck. so why hang your hat on her pronouncements?

I bet Fred backs Merkel and the Eurotrash while he pro-forma declares he wishes they would allow embssiesin Jerusalem.