Sunday, September 6, 2020

Fox News' Jennifer Griffin Stands By Story Which She Says Confirms Trump Disparaged Wounded And Killed Soldiers

Daily Mail: 'My sources are unimpeachable': Fox News' Jennifer Griffin stands by bombshell story which she says confirms Trump disparaged wounded and killed soldiers - after president and his supporters demanded she be fired

* Trump called US soldiers killed or injured 'losers' and 'suckers', senior administration sources told The Atlantic
* The Atlantic says Trump cancelled a visit a US war grave because he was worried about his hair in the rain
* The president was expected to attend a ceremony at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in Paris in 2018
* He reportedly asked: 'Why should I go to that cemetery? It's filled with losers'
* He also allegedly referred to 1,800 Marines who died in the WWI Battle of Belleau Wood in France as 'suckers'
* Trump is also alleged to have said he didn't understand why the US would intervene on the side of the Allies
* The president allegedly said those who served in the Vietnam were 'losers' as they failed to dodge the draft
* Fox News and the Washington Post have confirmed the reporting, while AP has confirmed part of it
* The White House mounted furious pushback, hammering the piece for using anonymous sources
* Trump also said Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin, who confirmed The Atlantic story, should be fired

Fox News’ chief national security correspondent whom President Trump wants fired after she confirmed a report that claimed he disparaged wounded veterans insisted on Saturday her sources were ‘unimpeachable.’

Jennifer Griffin phoned into Neil Cavuto’s show on Saturday afternoon and defended herself against criticism from the president and his supporters - including some on her own network.

‘Jennifer I’m not sure if you are aware, but the president has been tweeting about you saying that ‘Jennifer Griffin should be fired for this kind of reporting. Never even called us for a comment. FOX News is gone”,’ Cavuto told Griffin on the air on Saturday.

‘What do you think?’

Read more ....

WNU Editor: People have gone on the record denying the Atlantic story that President Trump called US soldiers killed or injured 'losers' and 'suckers' and did not want to go to US cemeteries in France. On the other-side there are only anonymous sources. My money is on those who have gone public and have staked their reputations rather than those who are hiding (if they actually exist).

Update:  Glenn Greenwald explains what Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin is doing, and why not to trust her reporting that the Atlantic story is true .... Journalism’s New Propaganda Tool: Using “Confirmed” to Mean its Opposite (Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept).


Anonymous said...

Pathetic. Just like our Fred lapides. Bending the truth until it is in agreement with your diluted world view. I liked her, but this stunt is so vile. And only anonymous sources. She's been played and lied to and again, just like our Fred, too dumb to discern fact from fiction.

Unknown said...

It confirms what I have thought for a number of years in Britain. TV news stations & the printed press are not here to inform on current events, but instead are propaganda outlets for the establishment. Polls are not meant to inform on what the people are thinking but are tools to influence the sheeple into voting for the party the establishment wants in power. Keep ducking 🖖😎

Anonymous said...

Fred here
anon. show me instances where I have bent the3 truth, the accusation you have made. offer evidence.
Now she has made a statement. You reject. Ok. Then tell us why rather than your trump-like name calling. ps I am too brigcht to waste my time on Fox

Anonymous said...

Trump Faces Election Fallout After Reportedly Insulting Dead Troops
Jennifer Jacobs, Josh Wingrove and Saleha Mohsin 1 day ago
7-9 minutes

(Bloomberg) -- An explosive report alleging that President Donald Trump has disparaged dead U.S. military service members threatens to further imperil his struggling bid for a second term, with his Democratic opponent Joe Biden seizing on the moment just two months before the election.

Trump angrily denied The Atlantic magazine’s report on Thursday, and the White House has mounted a furious effort to rebut its details, including public denials by Vice President Mike Pence and his top national security adviser, retired Army General Keith Kellogg.

But Trump’s former national security adviser, John Bolton, said that while he hadn’t heard the remarks himself, they sounded like something the president would say.

“This is a very important political issue for Trump and he’s in a difficult position at this point,” Bolton said Friday in a Bloomberg Radio interview. “I have not heard anybody say, ‘Oh, that doesn’t sound like the Donald Trump I know.’”

Trump’s support within the military has slipped since his 2016 campaign. About 43% of active-duty service members back Biden, compared to 37% who support Trump, according to a poll by the Military Times newspaper and the Institute for Veterans and Military Families conducted in late July and early August.

A similar poll by the Military Times in October 2016 found 41% of active-duty troops planned to vote for Trump, compared to 21% who supported Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

Biden’s campaign organized a conference call for reporters Friday morning with Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth, a veteran who lost her legs in combat, and Khizr Khan, a Trump critic whose son Humayun was killed while serving in the Army in the Iraq War.

“I take my wheelchair and my titanium legs over Donald Trump’s supposed bone spurs any day,” Duckworth said. Khan said that the president is “incapable of understanding service, valor and courage.”

Anonymous said...

Just following your lead with my confirmed sources.

Anonymous said...

I see tard is going full frontal again with bold font and pasting.