Sunday, September 6, 2020

Gold Star Husband And A Retired Army Officer Defends President Trump

Joe and Shannon Kent with their children.Courtesy Joe Kent

NBC: Trump came to Dover after my wife was killed fighting ISIS. He absolutely respects our service.

I'd never met a president before Donald Trump. His empathy and thoughtfulness on one of the worst days of my life won my gratitude.

“Hey, Joe,” a quiet but familiar voice said to me from the doorway of a small room with plush furniture. The room was meant to provide as much comfort as possible for the families of military members on the worst day of their life: the day the remains of their loved ones are returned to them at Dover Air Force Base.

I had been alone in the room for only a few minutes and was exhausted but restless; the previous three days felt like three years and three minutes all at once, because so much had been taken from my family so quickly and irrevocably that I felt like I was back at war and had just gotten attacked, but unlike in war, I couldn’t fight back.

That voice from the doorway, though, was familiar because it belonged to a man I had seen on television countless times: President Donald Trump. As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Because of the Atlantic story and its claims that President Trump has and is disrespecting fallen soldiers, a number of Gold Star families are now coming out publicly to defend the President. The above is one of those stories.

Update: With each passing day we are going to learn more about why the Atlantic story was posted, and the motivations of those who promoted it .... Evidence piles up that the phony Atlantic story about Trump and troops was a slime job to boost Biden (Monica Showalter, American Interest). More here .... Did Pro-Biden Vet Group Collude With The Atlantic Or Anonymous White House Sources To Release Anti-Trump Ad? (The Federalist).


Anonymous said...

Support da trooops.

Let's bomb Iran.

Anonymous said...

But they for sure got the slow ones like Fred falling for it. It's just what it is, about 10% of the population at any given time suffers from dementia and cognitive decline. They love Biden. They believe Democrats like Pelosi are awesome. Inclusive women, they say. Repeating lie after lie

Anonymous said...

This is a distraction. Sure it is serious enough. It is real ammunition fired by the Democrats to affect an election, but nonetheless it a distraction.

America is at War.

What needs to be done is to get a TOE for Antifa. Those who say it is a movement not an organization have a poor grasp of sociology and also are ducking the question on purpose. It did not matter to the Hittites of the Egyptians, if their foes organized under a unified command or not.

Anyone remember economics discussions on collusion with the example of two competing gas station owners? The owners might never talk and yet the prices they charge march up and down together. Some would say they were colluding. In the end to the consumer does it matter, if the owners get together and talk?

Antifa Shaping the National Narrative on Protests by Controlling the News

We have a loose amalgamation of groups somewhat traveling mostly in the same direction with competing interest but some shared goals who cooperate often. You can play all the word and law games you want, but it is nothing but trouble.

Anonymous said...

Fred Sez:
If I am wrong, then how to explain the majority of military now supporting Trump when historically the military has always favored the conservatives. Always. Till now.

Anonymous said...

Trump is going top get 20% to 305 of the African American vote, which will doom the
Democrat party. RiH!

Meanwhile Democrats are are pushing there latest propaganda offensive of the cemetery remarks. It is just not believable that this propaganda attack was not coordinated for 2 or 3 weeks. You do not get attack ads based on interviews within 132 hours of a news story unless there is collusion. If you add up the time to find a family travel there, set up, conduct the interview, put you add together, make the ad by, it does not work out.

But Fred can't add. What Heinlein says about people like xer is true.

I'll wait for more polls in 2 weeks, 3 weeks tops ,to see what effect the latest Democrat barrage of bullshit had.

Anonymous said...

Considering this post makes no sense at all, it has to be a Lapides product.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Trump will win and he deserves to win too.

What needs to happen next is to really put the screws on China. Xi went way too far with his Wuhan virus plan. That's war. And they stole trillions from us before. When trillions are missing from an economy, even if spread out over years, say 200bn a year, people actually die from this by the tens of thousands because medicine cannot be afforded, life prolonging operations are not performed, mental illness and despair rises, suicides and on and on

Needless to say that China is also the biggest Fentanyl supplier and has been killing tens of thousands of Americans this way alone.

We are obviously at war and China will have killed millions through the Wuhan virus alone. Time to hit them back if they don't come clean. They still haven't let inspectors into Wuhan. Trillions lost. Millions dead. CNN silent. NY times silent. WaPo silent. MSNBC silent.

Anonymous said...

Correction: within 12 hours not 132 hours

The smear came out in The Atlantic on Thursday and political ads were already coming out on Friday morning at 0800.

I sincerely doubt they pulled an all-nighter.

Anonymous said...

20% to 30% not 20% to 305

Anonymous said...

Author of BLM Book “In Defense of Looting” Is An Occupy Wall Street Transgender with Connections to the NYTimes, China and Obama

Daddy worked for President Barry Soetero.

Sonny was arrested for blocking traffic on Brooklyn Bridge during OWS in 2011. Charges were dropped. With so much white privilege Sonny decided to push the limits and explore the wold side as a tranvestite.

Daddy is so proud.