Sunday, September 6, 2020

Helmet Mounted Displays Are a Key Combat Advantage for U.S. and Allied Pilots

U.S. Air Force photo by A1C Heather Leveille

Real Clear Defense: Helmet Mounted Displays Are a Key Combat Advantage for U.S. and Allied Pilots

What are the capabilities or technologies that distinguish advanced fighter aircraft from their predecessors? A reader would likely list electronically-scanning radar and other sensors, high-performance engines, advanced avionics, and maybe precision munitions. If one were considering fifth-generation aircraft, the F-22 and F-35, then supercruise power, stealth shaping and coating, and information sharing would be added. But how many would include helmet-mounted displays (HMDs) on their list. Yet HMDs are now part of the equipment aboard thousands of fourth- and fifth-generation aircraft. HMDs constitute a key advantage for U.S. and allied pilots in any future conflict.

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WNU Editor: These helmet-mounted displays have been in the works for a long time, and they are not cheap .... The Unique Helmet For The F-35 Is Ready For Production (October 28, 2019).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeahhhhhhhhh......... going on a quarter-million dead from COVID, 20 million looking for work and the rent's due.

However, yes, neat helmet. The GOP is the largest terrorist organization in America, it must be physically destroyed.