Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Is CIA Director Gina Haspel Reportedly 'Extremely Cautious' About Sending Russia Intelligence To President Trump

Donald Trump said Gina Haspel showed courage in the face of "very negative politics". (Photo: Reuters)

Politico: CIA clamps down on flow of Russia intelligence to White House

Critics of the shift in approach say it seems designed to appease the president.

The CIA has made it harder for intelligence about Russia to reach the White House, stoking fears among current and former officials that information is being suppressed to please a president known to erupt in anger whenever he is confronted with bad news about Moscow.

Nine current and former officials said in interviews that CIA Director Gina Haspel has become extremely cautious about which, if any, Russia-related intelligence products make their way to President Donald Trump’s desk. Haspel also has been keeping a close eye on the agency’s fabled “Russia House,” whose analysts she often disagrees with and sometimes accuses of purposefully misleading her.

Last year, three of the people said, Haspel tasked the CIA’s general counsel, Courtney Elwood, with reviewing virtually every product that comes out of Russia House, which is home to analysts and targeters who are experts in Russia and the post-Soviet space, before it “goes downtown” to the White House. One former CIA lawyer called it “unprecedented that a general counsel would be involved to this extent.”

Four of the people said the change has resulted in less intelligence on Russia making its way to the White House, but the exact reason for that — whether Elwood has been blocking it, or whether Russia officers have become disillusioned and are producing less, or even self-censoring for fear of being reprimanded — is less clear.

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WNU Editor: If these anonymous sources are true, CIA Director Gina Haspel does not have confidence in the Russian division with the CIA. And I do not blame her. The CIA has been wrong on Russia for so long and on so many issues that I do not even know where to begin. It looks like the CIA Director feels the same way.

More News On Reports That CIA Director Gina Haspel Is 'Extremely Cautious' About Sending Russia Intelligence To President Trump

CIA letting less intelligence on Russia reach Trump: report -- The Hill
CIA Director Gina Haspel reportedly 'extremely cautious' about sending Russia intelligence to Trump -- The Week
CIA restricts Russia intelligence reaching White House: Politico -- Business Insider
Is the CIA Suppressing Russia Intel To Protect Trump's Precious Feelings? -- Vanity Fair


Anonymous said...

Didn't she get that job because she was cool with the torture program@Gitmo? Pays well, I see. That female leader in Myanmar was also very cool with torture. Women clearly are the future!

Anonymous said...

I have never known tortured people to gain weight, attend religious services and play soccer.

Torture is when you leave them worse than Leroy Brown and leave their pieces for their friends to find and their friends decide that maybe being a merchant is a better way to go. That is torture.

Layguy said...

If it is appeasement, she's not able to do her duty, obviously.

Anonymous said...

I am sure the data is not being delivered to the White House because El Trumpo is too busy watching Fox news, sending out Tweets and eating McDonalds happy meals.

Anonymous said...

Damn 10:00 AM you didn't get the memo. People have moved on from Fox News to Newsmax or OANN.
It must really suck to be a 3rd rate troll only able to afford Gerbers.