Friday, September 11, 2020

Is There A Problem In The Top Ranks Of America's Military?

Flanked by Secretary of Defense Mark Esper (L) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Army Gen. Mark Milley, U.S. President Donald Trump meets with senior military leaders at the White House in Washington, U.S., October 7, 2019. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Andrea Widburg, American Thinker: There is something very wrong with some in the top ranks of America's military

With Bob Woodward's anti-Trump book about to be published, the media are focusing entirely on the easily debunked claim that Trump mishandled the Wuhan virus by "lying" to the American people. What the media are ignoring, however, is a much more serious claim, which is that former secretary of defense General James Mattis plotted to overthrow Trump and his administration. This fact, if true, supports my longtime fear about the damage Obama inflicted on the upper echelons of the Pentagon.

The Conservative Treehouse caught the Mattis item:

According to a pre-release excerpt from the Washington Post Bob Woodward writes about a discussion between General James Mattis and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats about a plot to overthrow the elected government of the United States.

What do you call a conversation between the Defense Secretary and the head of the U.S. intelligence apparatus where they are talking about taking "collective action" to remove an elected President? That's called sedition[.] ... A seditious conspiracy.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I could be wrong but my gut tells me that if President is re-elected, he will be doing what President Obama did in his first term .... fire a lot of Generals .... Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years (Investors Business Daily). And the first person that he is going to replace will be Secretary of Defense Mark Esper.


Anonymous said...

Trump should free this guy ASAP

Anonymous said...

The Woodward book interviews Trump and the tapes indicate that
1. Trump knew early on the seriousness of the Virus
2. did not tell the public how serious it was but instead dismissed it as minor and not very bad

that is not a lie?

B.Poster said...

"That is not a lie?" The models that Montgonery County TX where I live based it's initial planning on back in the middle of March said by the end of May we'd have 100K infections in a county of approximately 610K and 20% of our population would die. It wasn't until about 10 days ago that our top officials made this public.

At the time, they did not go public with these dire numbers. I thibk we all know why. The panic doing this would've wrought is not pleasant to ponder and the carnage that would've ensued would've been worse.

Furthermore I think it reasonable to assume POTUS and other state and local officials were receiving similar models abd reports. In this context, one of the most brutal economic shutdowns in the world was implemented.

While I think many acted in good faith based upon horrifically flawed models, I'm pretty sure others did not. The fact is good faith or not they acted rashly without thinking things through or worse they did!!

So, in answer to your question, Trymp did indeed "lie." He like others oversold and overhyped this threat. Bu his actions he did NOT downplay it by any means. Furthermore, when some states did not adopt the Fauci gestapo model, Trump offered them no material support other than perhaps a few measly words. Then he stood by while they endured some of the most vicious personal attacks imaginable. Furthermore when the GA governor grew weary of his state's suffering and sought to reopen, Trump not only offered zero support but made it a point to voice his disagreement. As such, Trump's lie is pushing COVID-19 ad a greater threat than it actually is.

Anonymous said...

This Is What We Mean When We Say ‘Character Is Destiny’
You must not have listened to Trump's daily long public speeches in which he discounted the virus as a minor thing!

Anonymous said...

Frederick R. Lapides at 3:29 PM doing another drive-by post

If you want to know what Fred thinks on a particular day, just read the Washington Post or New York Times.

Anonymous said...

Those who needed more than TP during the early situation are probably thankful Trump attempted to be a calming influence and likely did have a small impact. Imagine if some other commodity became a collector's item along with TP during this period.