Monday, September 28, 2020

Is The US Intelligence Assessment That Says Russia Helped Trump Win In 2016 About To Be Reversed?

Just The News: Next declassification could flip Russia collusion script, point to effort to hurt Trump

Former NSC official says some evidence cut against claim Russia was helping Trump.

The Trump administration is preparing one of its biggest declassifications yet in the Russia case, a super-secret document that could flip the collusion theory on its head four years after the FBI first started its investigation.

Multiple officials familiar with the planned declassification, which could happen as early as this week, told Just the News that the new evidence will raise the specter that Russian President Vladimir Putin was actually trying to hurt President Trump, not help his election in 2016, as the Obama administration claimed.

The new evidence would complement a revelation last week that the primary source for the Christopher Steele anti-Trump dossier was known to the U.S. government to be tied to Russia intelligence, raising the possibility that the Russians were undercutting the GOP nominee.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., hinted at the big revelation in a Sunday appearance on the Fox News show "Sunday Futures with Maria Bartiromo."

"Everything Russia-Trump was looked at. You had $25 million, 60 agents. You had subpoenas, you had people’s lives turned upside down," Graham said. "The question is, 'Did they look at Russia coming after Trump?' "

Referring to last week’s revelation, Graham added: “We’ve got a Russian spy on the payroll of the Democratic Party putting together a document that details the FBI was not reliable.”

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Update: Russia Was Trying To Hurt Trump? Impending Declassification To 'Flip Collusion Theory On Its Head': Solomon (Zero Hedge)

WNU Editor: If Hillary Clinton won in 2016, there would be no discussion on Russian election interference. And the reason why is simple. Aside from maybe spending about $100,000 on Facebook advertising on some posts, and leaking a few emails on how the Democrat primaries were fixed in favour of Hillary Clinton, Russia's "involvement" would be laughed at for being so small and insignificant. But Hillary Clinton did not win in 2016, and so the scapegoat for this political disaster had to fall on someone else (i.e. Putin). As to flipping the Russian collusion assessment to now say that Russia wanted to help Hillary Clinton, on this point I will disagree. Russian President Putin hates Hillary Clinton, and would never help her. Never. This is the reason why .... Hillary Clinton Compares Russian President Putin And Russia To Hitler And The Nazis (March 5, 2014).


Anonymous said...

It is something you do if you are an middle or upper class Democrat steeped in the traditions of the university where logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead.

Anonymous said...

sure. may be this and may be that. Might rain next week. We need to see it happen and make sure a full view and not partially shown ius

Anonymous said...

I remember that comment. Pretty shocking at the time and still is. Not a hint of professional in it. Stalin, Lenin, yes. But with the vote panderer impact and attention are important. As I've typed before an ounce of image is worth a pound of performance.

jimbrown said...

Mr Hey MR WNU the Russia trump collusion was a disinformation campaign to help HRC and supported by Putin because he has owned HRC since the U1 deal. Whatever she said publicly about him thereafter is irrelevant and perhaps on purpose.

The disinfo campaign was spread far and wise including the measly $100 k on facebook simply to add one more example of false Russia Trump collusion. It was meant to be public NOT effective. Same goes for the dossier.

The Intel report issued in Jan before Trump inaugerated contains ALL the disinfo points. It's an after the fact outline. It was to make Trump Russia collussion "official."

It's all finally coming out.