Monday, September 7, 2020

Is Venezuela’s New Submarine A Threat To U.S. Undersea Internet Cables?

The Venezuelan Navy's mini-submarine could deliver divers to interfere with underseas communications cables, such as those used for the Internet H I Sutton

Forbes: Venezuela’s New Submarine Could Threaten U.S. Internet Cables

The Venezuelan Navy’s recently revealed submarine is small, unarmed and short ranged. Yet it could pose an asymmetrical threat to U.S. interests in the Caribbean. This is because it is a type of submarine designed for diver-lock-out work, meaning that it can be used to transport underwater saboteurs.

The divers could attack ships with limpet mines in the manner of World War Two frogmen. But a more modern target might be undersea communications cables. In other words, the internet.

After years of economic troubles, sanctions and a near civil-war situation in the country, the Venezuelan Navy (Armada Bolivariana de Venezuela) is a shadow of its former self. Historically it has been relatively well equipped with frigates and submarines. But the sanctions and turmoil have hit hard. Its two conventional submarines haven’t been to sea in years.

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WNU Editor: I am not worried about the Venezuelan Navy going into the Caribbean and cutting undersea cables that would only make the entire region furious at them. They got bigger problems than disrupting people's access to Facebook.

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