Saturday, September 12, 2020

Nobody Wants A War In Space

The U.S. Space Force isn't the only military space branch popping up around the world. (Image: © U.S. Space Force)

Chelsea Gohd, Everyone wants a Space Force — but why?

"Nobody wants a war in space."

As perceived security threats mount in Earth's orbit, countries around the world are following the example of the United States and creating their own "space forces."

Nine months ago, in December 2019, the U.S. Space Force was born. The new military branch was created with a focus to protect the nation's satellites and other space assets, which are vital to everything from national security to day-to-day communications.

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WNU Editor: It is like nuclear war. Nobody wants a nuclear war, but we are still building nuclear weapons.


Anonymous said...

Aliens will be like

Oh okay, shall we wait how much more dangerous they might get in 500 years or stop them now while there's time before this warmongering biosentient form expands its reach beyond this solar system

Ffs just look at that logo with objectivity

Yes, star trek, yes looks bad aas

But look at the symbolism

There's an entire nebula of galaxies ie the entire fing universe in the blurred background... and we are creating a militaristic force that has no intention of stopping at earth. It's not earth force. It's space force. We are not saying it yet, and most may think space is only the stuff around earth and maybe our own solar system but that's it.

But it isn't. We already now message ever so subtly that this space force is to expand beyond just earth and it's mission is militaristic and expanding in nature.

And the entire machine is powered abs tightly linked to capitalism.

It is reckless.

We are unleashing the military industrial complex on space without discussion of boundaries. Just space.

And we have galaxies in the logo.

Boundless growth opportunisties for investment. And this time we kill Aliens... ffs we should vote on it

B.Poster said...

Actually the "example" was set by Russia and China who have had this type of force for sometime even though they may be called by other names.

Wishing to bring the US up to the level of power and influence that these major powers possess naturally President Trump understood we needed to develop a space force and he pushed hard to get this done. As we are behind the curve on this, no one should be deluded into thinking our space forces are currently on the level of those of Russia or China.

We do have to start somewhere though and our Space Force looks to be a good starting point. I'm glad President Trump had the vision and intestinal fortitude to get this done.

Jac said...

I would be very cautious with this subject. This is not about the rationale of this or that, but who is in a position of using it. Dictators are not thinking as us. Hitler and Hirohito are a good example.

Unknown said...

A Space Force could be a very good thing, just like toilet paper. Both could circle Uranus looking for Klingons!!! Stay safe n keep ducking 🖖👽