Tuesday, September 22, 2020

NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Agrees To Pay United States $5 Million From Book And Speeches

CIA whistleblower Edward Snowden (pictured) has agreed to forfeit more than $5million from book proceeds and speeches to the US government, according to court records

Daily Mail: CIA whistleblower Edward Snowden agrees to forfeit more than $5m from book proceeds and $18,000 a time speeches to the US government

* Edward Snowden, 37, published a book last year without government approval
* It breached contracts he signed with the CIA and the National Security Agency
* Justice Department brought a lawsuit which was upheld by a federal judge
* Snowden has since agreed a payment plan with the Trump administration

CIA whistleblower Edward Snowden has agreed to forfeit more than $5million from book proceeds and speeches to the US government, according to court records.

The 37-year-old, who leaked intelligence secrets in 2013, published a book last year without government approval which breached contracts he had signed with the CIA and the National Security Agency.

The Justice Department brought a lawsuit against Snowden which has since been upheld by a federal judge - but a forfeiture plan has not yet been approved.

Read more ....

Update #1: Edward Snowden agrees to give up more than $5 million from book and speeches (CNN)
Update #2: Snowden Reportedly Agrees to Pay United States $5 Million From Book, Speeches (Sputnik)

WNU Editor: This tells me a couple of things. Edward Snowden is in contact with US authorities. He did not have to agree to give away $5 million. He is living in Russia where the US courts have no jurisdiction. So why the deal? It looks like something else is at play, and that is Edward Snowden wants to return to the U.S.. To do that he is willing to lay the groundwork with US authorities to make that happen with minimal penalties, and this forfeiture of earnings is his way of showing that he is serious.


Layguy said...

Didn't read the article. However I do know Snowden's a hero.

James said...

You're right. It's looks like a step in a deal. Now comes the part of what's been said and to whom. I'm not sure why but I have a feeling certain Democrats should be very afraid.

Anonymous said...

We might see, if certain Democrats are worried.

I would keep the 5 million until after the election. A Biden win would bury the truth, if it would hurt Democrats.

Maybe what he has could change the election? Maybe an October Surprise? Democrats would be mad, but they have themselves to blame.

The original incident that gave rise to the name "October Surprise" shows, why we can forgive Jussie Smollett not to think out the all the ramifications of a lie.

How was Jussie Smollet suppose to know that bleach would freeze at 19 degrees Fahrenheit? Why bother paying attention in high school chemistry?

"Bleach freezes at around 19 degrees. Jussie Smollett was attacked with bleach in Chicago at - 17 degrees. How?"


Like wise Democrat Congressmen and staffers can be forgiven, if they do not know the engineering and logistics of a SR-71.


What piece of IT, logistics or accounting might trip up the Democrats this time?

Reality is a bitch.

Hans Persson said...

I'm not so sure if Snowden really wants to be pardoned before the election.

If Trump pardons him the Dems would go apeshit and call it a political stunt for votes and never accept the decision.

Anonymous said...

Likewise I could see a MOB DA going apeshit if a low level Mafiosa came forward with information on the DA.

You can get a job by hook and by crook, but at some time you have to be competent or you lose it anyway and should lose it.

What the Democrats are telling us is that they cheat to get their jobs and their children's jobs, but never shall they be competent. They have to cheat at increasing rates. That is not sustainable. That is making themselves captain of the boat and proceeding to sink the boat. We can't let that happen.