Friday, September 11, 2020

Russia Is Boasting That Their New Long Range Sniper Rifle Will Be Able To Hit Targets Seven Kilometers Away

Dmitry Rogulin/TASS

Russia Beyond: World’s longest range sniper rifle to be unveiled in 2020

DXL-5 ‘Havoc’ is said to be the first sniper rifle in the world capable of eliminating targets 7 kilometers (4.35 miles) away.

Russian sniper rifle manufacturer Lobaev Arms announced their latest development DXL-5, capable of hitting targets 7,000 meters (7,655 yards) away will be unveiled in November 2020.

“We’re working on the ‘DXL-5 Havoc’ project in full swing. We are currently processing the remaining parts of the rifle and are scheduled for shooting tests in November,” says Vladislav Lobaev, the owner of Lobaev Arms.

He claims the new rifle will be “revolutionary” and will be built with four different cartridge variations.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:
Seven kilometres?!?!?!?


B.Poster said...

Seven kilometers does sound like an extraordinary claim. As is the case with such claims, they will require extraordinary proof so we shall see abd it's not entirely uncommon for powerful people to boast a bit.

Based upon prior dealings with Russia I would suggest that US civilian and military leaders assume the claims surrounding this rifle are true and plan and act accordingly. As you sometimes say, your "gut" tells you something. My "gut" tells me the claims surrounding this rifle are 109% accurate.

It is a maddening tendency on the part of US military and civilian leadership to both overestimate our abilities while simultaneously underestimating those of adversaries and potential adversaries. A bit off topic but this type of consistent error largely explains why US foreign policy has been such a mess for so long. Trump has taken positive steps toward fixing this bit there remains much work to do.

Anonymous said...

THAT would also make secret service life a bit harder to protect the president

But.. without bullet guidance system it'd depend on perfect conditions during the shot and a still or very predictable moving target

Either way, we are moving from traditional explosive ignited bullets(which are weird anyways) to more mini rocket type bullets that are steerable in flight, receive their target from a mini drone or other remote viewing device and 7km will be old history by then/ in 10 years :)

Anonymous said...

Моя нутро подсказывает мне, что ты снова наелся дерьмом и сосешь член Путина, ты тоже гребаный водку пьешь. Иди на хуй. Никому не плевать на то, что ты говоришь, потому что мы все знаем, что ты русский поедатель спермы

Dave Goldstein said...


Anonymous said...

Without a computer-controlled rifle, it would require either a perfect shot on a perfect day, or extraordinary luck. Too many variables at that distance for a human sniper team to achieve consistent kills.

Anonymous said...

7 kilometers! What’s that in American?