Monday, September 21, 2020

Switzerland Unveils Plans To Spend Billions On New Fighter Jets

Switzerland unveils plans to spend billions on new fighter jets to replace its ageing fleet of 30 F/A-18 Hornets which will go out of service in 2030 (pictured)

Daily Mail: Who is their enemy? Notoriously neutral Switzerland unveils plans to spend billions on new fighter jets - despite not having fought a war in 200 years

* Many believe the country can't afford the war planes and doesn't need them
* Voters will get their say on September 27 on whether the plans should go ahead
* The aircraft would replace the country's fleet that will go out of service in 2030

Switzerland unveils plans to spend billions on new fighter jets despite not having fought in a war in more than 200 years.

The plans have been faced with much opposition, as many believe the notoriously neutral country can't afford the war planes and doesn't need them.

Voters get their say on September 27 on whether the plan to spend 6 billion Swiss franc on the jets should go ahead, according to CNA.

Read more ....

Update: 'Who is our enemy?' Neutral Switzerland votes on fighter jets (CNA)

WNU Editor: Swiss voters will decide if this purchase will go forward in a referendum this Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Mike Feldhake said...


Anonymous said...

They got it backwards. Being a neutral country means you need to have a properly funded military, because nobody will come to your aid otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I say they should just keep improving on their pike squares and call it good.

Anonymous said...

Their enemy is Russia, if there was a western expansion, Switzerland would be over run and would put up little resistance. If im correct the country is extremely wealthy with hordes of treasures, its a mountains region that is easy to defend with small numbers of troops.

What they lack in air to ground missiles and production, they need to make up in air superiority with highly mobile fighter jets. Doesn't matter how well defended your antiair units are, in a concentrated barrage you will loss them, even if you don't you deplete your ammo store which they can't replace.

Great choice of weapon.

Anonymous said...

I remember when the planned 26 Seawolf submarines were capped at THREE, because, you know, the Cold War is over and why would we need them. Given their cost at the time, I doubt we'd have built all 26, but how is that decision looking now? Similar story for the F-22. The point is, part of planning for the future is planning for an unexpected future (can you say, CORONAVIRUS?). Just because you're politically "neutral" doesn't mean you're immune from hostiliies. For instance, China couldn't give a rat's ass about such considerations. It basically takes what it wants. So, while maybe not 6 billion francs, a couple billion worth of fighters might just mean the difference between life and death in some unlikely future scenario.