Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Ethiopian-Egyptian Water War Has Begun (In Cyberspace)

Foreign Policy:
The Ethiopian-Egyptian Water War Has Begun

The conflict between Ethiopia and Egypt over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam has already started. It’s just happening in cyberspace.

It took only a few weeks to plan the cyberattack—and a few more to abandon the world of ethical hacking for the less noble sort. But they would do anything for the Nile, the four young Egyptians agreed.

With that, the group calling themselves the Cyber_Horus Group in late June hacked more than a dozen Ethiopian government sites, replacing each page with their own creation: an image of a skeleton pharaoh, clutching a scythe in one hand and a scimitar in the other. “If the river’s level drops, let all the Pharaoh’s soldiers hurry,” warned a message underneath. “Prepare the Ethiopian people for the wrath of the Pharaohs.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. is taking sides in this conflict .... US suspends aid to Ethiopia over Blue Nile dam dispute (Al Jazeera).


Anonymous said...

Nice picture accompanying the story.

It shows 3 dams.

Aswan Dam (Egypt)
Roseires Dam (Sudan)
Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (Ethiopia)

Why do Egypt and Sudan get dams and Ethiopia does not?

I think if impoundment does not affect downstream water volume, what is Egypt whining about?

I think the only real issue is fill rate.

I think the American decision to support Egypt was a political one and not a moral one.

An unstable Egypt might go to war with someone, Israel, Ethiopia, Turkey, Libya, ... What about an unstable Ethiopia. Egypt has 100 million people. Ethiopia has 109 million people.

Maybe TPTB at CFR or other places are more worried about an ethno state like Egypt but not a state like Ethiopia that they can Balkanize?

Why is the Rosiere Dam not a problem for Egypt?

Anonymous said...

The Roseires Dam (Arabic: خزان الروصيرص‎) is a dam on the Blue Nile at Ad Damazin, just upstream of the town of Er Roseires, in Sudan. It consists of a concrete buttress dam 1 km wide with a maximum height of 68 m, and an earth dam on either side. The earth dam on the eastern bank is 4 km long, and that on the western bank is 8.5 km long. The reservoir has a surface area of about 290 km2.

Roseires Reservoir lake
The dam was completed in 1966, initially for irrigation purposes. A power generation plant, with a maximum capacity of 280 megawatts, was added in 1971. A heightening (and lengthening) project was completed in 2013 and the dam is now 25 km long.