Sunday, September 20, 2020

The U.S. News Media Is Broken

The Hill: Media accused of using kid-gloves on Biden

A CNN town hall event with Democratic nominee Joe Biden, broadcast Thursday evening, is sharpening questions about fairness in news coverage of the 2020 campaign.

The questions Biden faced during the 75-minute event were overwhelmingly sympathetic, and only a single one —from a Republican voter who asked about regulation — could have been considered hostile.

The event’s moderator, Anderson Cooper, was also respectful toward Biden, offering little by way of interrogation of the former vice president.

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Update: Biden Gets Softballs, While Trump Gets Balls Busted (Zero Hedge)

WNU Editor: The political news divisions within America's news organizations have been broken for a very long time. They are just not hiding it anymore.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

American news has been broken as far back as Walter Cronkhite. they and Cronkhite just hid it. Cronkhite was a raging liberal and a drunk.

Anonymous said...

The Real Cronkhite

Anonymous said...

Worth the read. See if the names of the hundred or so at the Pentagon come out.

He said we would not believe the number of Americans in the military, at the Pentagon — he names names — who have become independently wealthy via payments from China. Their entire families have been set up. Their futures of the kids they have are set up. And here comes Trump attempting to inflict great harm on the ChiComs as an enemy of the U.S., when so many Americans, including former ranking officials in previous presidential administrations and at the Pentagon have already sold out to the ChiComs, for money, for personal aggrandizement. And it makes great sense.

It prints out to six pages. And normally we go through these and I mark them up by highlighting just those aspects that convey the central points. This was impossible to mark up. I mean, the whole thing. It appears, where Lee Smith writes, at a website called Tablet. So there’s that to get to today.


RUSH: I mentioned earlier a column by Lee Smith. Lee Smith has done tremendous work. He writes at many places, published at many places. One of them is called Tablet. It’s a website magazine. He was among the first working with Devin Nunes, Victor Davis Hanson, a number of these people that really blew the lid off of this James Comey, FBI, CIA-led coup attempt, the phony allegations that Trump had colluded with Russia, had successfully stolen the 2016 election.

Well, Mr. Smith is back because it still hasn’t been fully explained in his mind, and he has continued to investigate it, because there is so much of this that still doesn’t make sense. For example, this irrational hatred of Donald Trump. It can be explained up to a point, but beyond that point it’s senseless. How does it survive? How does this hatred for Trump hold its passion, its energy? How do they not fizzle out? Most people’s emotional reservoirs are not capable of what these people are exhibiting toward Donald Trump.

So one of the theorems is that this is about more than hate for Donald Trump. It’s about more than just inside elitism versus outside. It’s about more than just the deep state trying to hold on to its druthers and Trump being an outsider upsetting the applecart. It’s gotta be more because it’s irrational under those criteria. None of this makes any sense in rational analysis. Nobody is hated this much.

Now, I will say that I think the failure — these people are all very powerful, and they’re all very aware of their power. They’re all convinced, for example, that they have the power to get rid of anybody, to ruin anybody that they want. And they have failed to lay a glove, in the real world, on Donald Trump.

Up until the virus, he was implementing his agenda and setting records with wage increases, unemployment, the labor force participation rate, tax cuts, he was setting records. Then the virus hits. These people are frustrated to no end. They haven’t been able to get rid of him. So that would explain some, but not all. So Mr. Smith believes that there’s something else driving this in addition.

It is a long piece. We’re gonna link to it at We probably already have. It’s well worth reading if you have any interest in journalism or the lack thereof. But I think what this really means, if you read the piece, it means that there’s more than hatred for Trump. There is also a great fear. And this fear is not personal to Trump. It would exist if anybody was doing what Trump is doing in relation to China.

This piece makes the point that the American elite today should be properly named the China class. They have essentially given United States sovereignty and the power that they have over American sovereign, they’ve given it away to China, in exchange for personal wealth, incredible personal wealth. They are thus afraid of what Trump can destroy, i.e., them and their families being set for the rest of their lives.

Anonymous said...

"They are afraid of what Trump will be able to expose. They are afraid of what Trump will be able to explain about James “Mad Dog” Mattis, what Trump knows about Stanley McChrystal, what he knows about a number of these people who have sold out to China, including tech overlords. They’re scared to death what Trump has learned as this has all gone on.

Now, what the piece does not address is what or how, other than Trump, we get rid of this group. How do we overturn them? How do we render them meaningless? Massively rich group of people that had no money. They earned whatever they earned in the military. Then they got on boards of directors after they retired. Then they got a percentage of military contracts that they got themselves in the middle "