Sunday, September 20, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

Former Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos is oblivious or something

WOW! ABC Hack Floats Impeaching President Trump to Speaker Pelosi in Order to Block SCOTUS Nomination (VIDEO)

"This tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about your liberal mainstream media."

"They’re not just biased — They’re leading the charge!"

"On Sunday morning Stephanopoulos floated the idea of impeaching President Donald Trump or Attorney General Bill Barr to Nancy Pelosi in order to prevent Trump from filling the vacancy on the Supreme Court."

Rush call people like Stephanopoulos Democrat operatives with press credentials. What are liberals going to do? Arrest Rush? The word would still get out. The thoughts would still be thought. So would liberals arrest Rush, Jim Hoft and thousands of others?

I believe that we are moving more toward that day than away from it.

George Stephanopoulos
Jake Tapper
Chuck Todd

Walter Cronkhite
Dan Rather
Tom Brokaw
Bryan Williams

Every last one of them is bad. The MSM news is 1984 propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Screaming Black Lives Matter Militants Surround Outdoor Diners in San Diego – Young Mother Clutches Her Baby in Fear (VIDEO)

The Nationals news outlets have proven that they can ignore many stories and get away with it mostly. As someone explained the people who make ad buys go by their liberal education not science or marketing so much. They have in the past ignored Fox and made buys with ABC, CBS, et al when it would have been in their customers best interest to place buys with Fox also. So the news people can get away with crap, because the advertising firms are simpatico. This is why you used to see Encyte adverts add naseum on Fox.

The local stations have to report the news more squarely otherwise they go belly up. Many Americans have learned that if you want to get a story with less spin, you go to the local station regardless of national media affiliation and eschew the national media websites.

Google and Facebook will start shadow banning these local station, when you do searches in the future. Anyone doubt that?

Aside from the detour into national vs affiliate reporting, how many cities has this diner harassment happened? MSM may not be keeping score, but regular people are. This harassment is helping Trump and hurting the Democrats.

People know that others might buy a pair of sneakers for over a hundred, while they pay under 50. Do that once a twice and you can go out to eat. Only to have a registered Democrat harass you, while wearing $150 sneakers. Sneakers made in China with slave labor, but the NBA thanks you.

And the goon harassing you, does not know what a Uighur is nor care if they did.

Anonymous said...

UPDATE: Hmm… Pelosi Camp Now Says She Lied About Going to Church in San Francisco and Insists She Did NOT Break the Law (VIDEO)

So it can be against the law to go to a hair dresser, but Miss Nancy will

So it can be against the law to go to church, but miss nancy will.

Laws are not for little people not National Class Democrats.

It is debatable whether governors and mayors exceeded their federal and state constitutions, but they have arrested, fiend and attempted to ruin people based on their over reach and ersatz law.

Anonymous said...

IT STARTS AGAIN: Democrats Claim Russian Interference Will Keep Them From Taking Control Of Senate


But seriously this proves it is not about Trump. This is about Democrats blaming someone every time they do not win a prize.

do thew Russians really want to be across the negotiating table with the likes of Pelosi or Schumer? Do the Russians want Joe Biden;s finger of Kamala's finger on the nuclear button?

Joe Biden does not know where he is or what he is doing.

Kamala has no children, so if she has a bad day ... BOOM!