Monday, September 21, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

The UN lost all trust last week when they tweeted about patriarchy.

This is so outrageous that a body to prevent war tweets this political correctness shit that condemns every Male person on this earth. Rhett left out 'toxic' but still the damage is done. No more money for the UN. Fck this lying, spineless institution that was ok to spread hate like this in the name of"inclusive"women

I've seen enough

Hans Persson said...

What tweet?

Young Communist said...


From Italy: Toscana (Tuscany) remain in the hands of the "so called left" of Democratic Party. Northern League has taken only little region of Marche.
But yesterday and today was also vote for referendum on cut on the number of deputies, and four years after, the disgusting of politics has push more than 2/3 of Italians to cut 35% of parliament.

"New season of reforms is ahead", say PD secretary, but we know that none is good for workers.