Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

Norwegian lawmaker nominates Trump for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize and says he 'deserves it more than Obama' for brokering diplomatic ties between Israel and United Arab Emirates

I don't like Jared Kushner. Jewish landlord, who is at the White house because of family connections. In-law at that.

Jared has not run for a single public office.

I did consider it smart that Trump sent him to talk to the Saudis. I considered that very smart as the Saudis would trust a family member more and Foggy Bottom is part of the deep state. I considered it smart, but otherwise I resented Kushner.

After the UAE/Israel peace accord, I will have to give Kushner another and more objective look. Sure Jared accompanied the Israeli delegation, but was he crucial? Off the top of my head, I would have to say yes.

Funny how many Democrat Jews will not give Kushner the time of day. But they are devout liberals and not Jews at all.

Anonymous said...

MORE BAD NEWS FOR DEMOCRATS: 17% of Likely Trump Voters Less Likely to Let Others Know About Their Vote

Why would survey respondents lie to pollsters/doxxers?

That is a poser.

Anonymous said...



United Nations
The #COVID19 pandemic is demonstrating what we all know: millennia of patriarchy have resulted in a male-dominated world with a male-dominated culture which damages everyone – women, men, girls & boys.

-- @antonioguterres


Anonymous said...

Grand Prince Dmitri Ivanovich

Anonymous said...

Democrats at WAR with CIVILIZATION

That attitude may explain why Chicago’s Cook County prosecutors gave a pass to Steven Davis in 2019 when he was charged with on Facebook

Be’Rasheet Mitchell was getting a masters degree in architecture at University of Illinois.

Democrats whine piss and moan that there are too many poor blacks and not enough white collar blacks.

Maybe the reason this is so, is because Democrats murder white collar blacks?

One more thing, Democrats do not give a damn about domestic violence.

"Authorities say Mitchell was trying to defend his sister — Davis’ girlfriend — during a domestic incident when the shooting happened."

Did not Biden meet with Jacob Blake or his family?

President Joe Biden sticking up for those, who beat the fuck out of women.

Remember Jacob black was getting into a car that belonged to his victim. How did he get the car from his victim, a woman?

He beat the fuck out of her like a good Democrat!