Wednesday, September 23, 2020

U.S. Senate Release Explosive Report On Numerous Conflicts Of Interests Involving Joe Biden's Son

FILE PHOTO: Then-U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden attend an NCAA basketball game between Georgetown University and Duke University in Washington, U.S., January 30, 2010. Picture taken January 30, 2010. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/File Photo

NBC: Sen. Johnson releases findings of Hunter Biden probe alleging conflict of interest

The GOP-led probe found Hunter Biden's position on an energy company to be "awkward" for U.S. officials but found no evidence that it affected policy.

WASHINGTON — Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson on Wednesday released the findings of a GOP-led probe into Hunter Biden's role with a Ukrainian energy company while his father, Joe Biden, was vice president — an effort Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, has repeatedly said hopes will affect the November election.

The “conflicts of interest” report concludes that U.S. officials found Hunter Biden’s role on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, to be “very awkward” for those in the Obama administration who were at the time pushing an anti-corruption agenda in Ukraine and that Hunter Biden received millions of dollars from sitting on the board of the company.

The report, though, provides no evidence that Hunter Biden’s position affected U.S. policy.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The media is circling the wagons to protect the Bidens, saying that it is either old news or unsubstantiated. Here is an example from the AP ....

.... it offered no evidence to support one of President Donald Trump’s more incendiary allegations — that Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor as a way to protect his son.

But the problem for the Biden campaign is that there is a lot of evidence out there that shows Hunter Biden profiting from his father's ties to these foreign governments, and I would think it would justify an independent investigation and/or special prosecutor to investigate it more thoroughly. The Daily Wire lists some of the more disturbing discoveries from this Senate investigation .... BREAKING: Hunter Biden Received Millions From Wife Of Ex-Moscow Mayor, Paid Suspects Allegedly Tied To Trafficking, Had Contacts With Individuals Linked To Chinese Military, Senate Report Alleges (Daily Wire).

The US Senate report is here .... Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impacton U.S.Government Policy and Related Concerns

More News On The U.S. Senate Releasing Its Explosive Report On Numerous Conflicts Of Interests Involving Joe Biden's Son

GOP Senate report on Biden son alleges conflict of interest -- AP
Top GOP senators say Hunter BIden's work 'cast a shadow' over Obama Ukraine policy -- The Hill
Hunter Biden’s Ukraine Work Raised Concerns With Obama Officials, GOP-Led Probe Confirms -- WSJ
Senate Report Details Hunter Biden’s Extensive Foreign Business Dealings — and Obama Officials’ Efforts to Ignore Them -- National Review
Senate GOP report attacks Bidens with previously aired allegations of conflicts of interest -- CNN
GOP senators' anti-Biden report repackages old claims -- Politico
Senate Republicans release explosive report on Hunter Biden, Burisma -- NYPost
Senate Report Says Joe Biden Allowed Family to Enrich Themselves Abroad While He Was VP -- Breitbart


Anonymous said...

Old news, no wonder the media isn't covering it,

Meanwhile we also don't hear about Trump's conflicts of interest or the reveal of his tax returns showing that. Seems like the media is also covering that up.

Anonymous said...

The New York Times, Washington Post and others will not cover for Trump.

So you "Seems like the media is also covering that up." is a flat out lie.

Angela Merkel, being the good socialist she is, detests Trump. She can subpoena or use her intel services to investigate Trump's dealing with Deutsche banks. Angela had over 3 years to investigate. So you strike out there as well. Does not Angela have agency?

There is nothing to Deutsche Bank's loans. They treated Trump better than they would me. I understand this. Every other millionaire gets treated better than I do in Las Vegas, banking, hotels, yada yada yada. And? That is the most that has been alleged that may have any legs at all and what they allege is not criminal.

If there is money laundering, prove it. Don't allege it. Macron, Merkel and others have had plenty of time to investigate. They hate him and they had the time and the power.Given they had the power and the time and there is nothing, we can assume there is nothing.

Trump gets loans for real estate and real estate deals. He is a real estate developer and hotel owner. So when he gets loans from Deutsche bank for that, where is the smoke?

Hunter Biden is form a political party that is beloved by the majority of the press. He had no experience in the areas he got dealt in. It doesn't pass optics or the smell test. Timing is also an issue when Hunter flew on Air Force 2 with Dada to China.

Hunter is the baby that should be thrown out with the bathwater.

...and he is your baby.

Anonymous said...

If there is something illegal, show it. Otherwise, bullshit nonstop

Anonymous said...

Everyone who has gone to college and has seen coke head Hunter's stumbling tens of millions know what is up.

The Demcorats know the best defense is a good oiffense. They dod not prosecute during Obama, because hunter was part of the club, then when Trumpwas president they went on the offensive with impeachment.

that is why that useless mother fucker Biden is not in jail.

Biden's business deals are as artificial as his Naval career. His daddy pulled strings to get him into the Navy since his brother Beau died. So he needed a new scion. He took Hunter and tried to spruce him up with the obligatory military service that was relatively safe (JAG or intel). If Hunter could have gotten 4 years of military service free and clear, he would have been run for senator of Delaware.

Hunter snorted coke so the military service and political career went up in smoke. So it was a career in plain old kickbacks.

Bullshit nonstop?

How is hunter Biden afford a 12,000 month house rental in California and yet declare poverty before a judge in Arkansas.

Right there in the full light of day Hunter is flouting family law and getting away with it. You can't even answer that you fucking jackass.

Having baby mamas is not any cuter, when they are white.

Mike Feldhake said...

This is so funny; Conservatives being blamed for being slaves of Russians when it was the Dems all along. And what do we hear from the peanuts in the gallery - denial and ask for proof. Dumbasses! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hunter Biden Rents Hollywood Hills Modern With Jetliner Views for $12K/Month

Published: January 4, 2020 | By: American Luxury Staff

Hunter Biden—Senator Joe Biden’s son—is settling into a new rental above Mulholland this winter. Mr. Biden’s rent is $12K/month, a not-bad price for a Buff & Hensman designed modern house furnished almost exclusively in the midcentury modern style.

Inside and out, the house was clearly a labor of love for someone not only smitten with the style, but fluent in its philosophy and variations. Its exterior sports the glass, exposed steel, stucco and strident lines of a period modern, as well as the color sense; a bright yellow front door makes for an ebulliently cerebral beginning.


WHERE'S HUNTER? Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, missed child support case deadline, says ex-stripper who had his baby

Anonymous said...

"And now this–
Hunter Biden sent “thousands of dollars” to people who appear to be involved in the sex industry, including non-resident alien women in the US who are citizens of Russia or Ukraine!"

Of course Biden did.

Truth be told hunter has a higher score than Magic Johnson.

Anonymous said...

": Senate Report Finds Hunter Biden Linked to “Prostitution or Human Trafficking Ring” – Which Follows News of His Visits to Hustler Club and Dildos"

Did Hunter use the dildo on a Russian, Ukrainian or American stripper/sex worker or did the they use the dildo on him?

Anonymous said...

Strippers allegedly used sex toy on Hunter Biden at NYC’s Hustler Club

Can he take the whole 9 inches?

Anonymous said...

on and on and on: again: if there is something done that is illegal, press charges, as I am sure Barr would do. If not: YOU ARE FROTHING AT THE MOUTH.

Anonymous said...

It ain't old news anon 11:28. Not to the extent that was uncovered in the report. If you have one of those "old news" links you are welcome to share it. In fact, you have a computer, use it. Find the links and share. Defend biden's less than moral son.

Or get more clever with your posting attempts if you're going to try and cover for the behavior of the people you support.

Anonymous said...

There is or was a You Tube video of biden boasting in front of a seated crowd that he had stopped a Ukrainian investigation into Burisma by a high ranking Ukrainian official concerning corruption in Burisma. In the video, which backed up media reporting at the time, biden said he gave the Ukrainians 60 minutes to stop this investigation and remove the official from the just starting investigation. If the government did not biden said he was going home and the $1.5 billion aid package biden had brought with him was going back to America with him. The Ukranian government reassignd the investigator, stopped the investigation, and got their $$$. Hunter also became a board member of Burisma. This incident is not mentioned in the ABC link and it is the only one I read. biden is playing Tarzan to this group. Shirt sleeves and using a couple of four letter words in his relating the incident. I found it shocking. The man knew of cell phones at the time and used no discretion during this video.

Anonymous said...

Additions to my post of 6:49PM are easy to find, I'm now finding. The video is not as impactful as I recalled. biden does tell the Ukranians that he will leave with the funds. There are conflicting stories of the investigation of Burisma and the effectiveness of the replaced investigator in the investigation. His investigation had nothing to do with hunter's board membership. That was never the thrust of the of this episode of pressure put on the Ukranians by biden.

Hard to tell.

Anonymous said...

FROTHY MIX is what the strippers got out of Hunter Biden.

4:34, you need a bib. Your mouth is watering.