Friday, September 18, 2020

Why The Next Shooting War Could 'Accidentally' Go Nuclear

Zack Brown, National Interest: Why the Next Shooting War Could Go Nuclear

Too many dual-use systems could confuse an enemy in wartime who might think a nuclear (not conventional) attack was underway.

Nuclear expert James Acton believes that we are entering into an era of what he calls “nuclear entanglement,” one that promises to be different from anything we’ve seen before. Its main characteristic: an increasingly blurry line between nuclear and conventional weapons.

“During the Cold War, the nuclear and non-nuclear domains were largely distinct,” said Acton in an interview for the podcast, Press The Button. “Most delivery systems were nuclear or they were conventional, but they couldn’t accommodate both types of weapons.” The same goes for the threats facing nuclear weapons themselves. The majority of these, he explained, “came from other nuclear weapons.”

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WNU Editor: How do you know if an incoming cruise or hyper-sonic missile is nuclear or conventional. You do not until it lands.


Unknown said...

Sometimes it's best not too care 4 your tomorrows just live 4 the moment verry sad place called earth

Unknown said...

And the fool's that think it called power I feel u God

Dave Goldstein said...

Any hyper sonic missile is going to be assumed to be nuclear. Short reaction time, short life span.

Anonymous said...

Agreed 4:40. I ain't waiting to see.

James said...

No country that possesses nukes will ever accept defeat without using them. The very existence and possession of nukes changes everything.

Anonymous said...

What? No Trump and therefore no Clerky comment?

Anonymous said...

I don't think we should worry about nuclear holocaust. Can we first, in length please, discuss the white patriarchy? I mean that's really really important. Also it would fix this issue, as we all know, if women were in charge no murder or violence would happen.

Sure, sure, you could say the few female world leaders we had so far were horrible examples of female leadership, but I beg to differ.

That lady in Myanmar who now seems to be cool with torture and terrorism is just misunderstood. Misinterpreted by the patriarchy. You see, if women commit or OK violence it's only in self defence. So what if a few thousand people get disappeared. I believe her. They had it coming. Clearly.

Or that former prime minister of South Korea who is now in prison for corruption you say? Come on now, that's a cheap shot. She just needed that extra bit of money for a nice car and to look good. Men demand good looks of women. It's their fault! And I'm sure the men lied about her extent of corruption. I'm sure it wasn't that bad.

Maxine Waters, a high ranking female Democrat doesn't count, I think.. sure, sure you could say she called for the formation of mobs, the harassment of politically opposed and seems to be a bit too tolerant to violence. But I think you're wrong. See , she's a black female. If they call for intimidation and violence and then you're streets burn and groups form that use intimidation and violence, I think it just proves that women can have great ideas that catch on too. We need more of that. Not less! And they're called ANTIfascists, so if they kill and hurt people and intimidate them, that's not that bad I think. They're on the good side, the word anti proves it.

Or Hillary Clinton. She called for an end to civility until they're back in power. Now that's a determined lady. YOU may think she's terribly corrupted, has destroyed subpoenaed evidence and intimidated her own gender, ie other women, in the aftermath of the famous sex scandal. But so what... it's ok for women to smear other women. We men should never judge them or what they do. They're better than us!

So let's postpone this nonsense nukes talk and focus on the patriarchy instead, ok? 1,2,3... DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY wooohhoooooo that rhymes. You go, girl!