Saturday, September 12, 2020

Will President Trump's Success With The UAE-Israel Accord Unleash More Middle East Peace Developments?

Thomas Lifson, American Thinker: Trump’s triumph with UAE-Israel accord has unleashed a ‘preference cascade’ of Middle East peace developments

A dam has broken and our media are desperate to avert our eyes from it. I am stunned at the succession of positive developments that has followed the announcement almost a month ago that the United Arab Emirates is normalizing relations with Israel. Momentum is accelerating toward the long dreamed-of goal of peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors.

I have to pinch myself after writing such a thing to remind myself that decade after decade of strenuous effort has failed, frustrating presidents of both parties and stymieing plan after plan put forth by diplomats and NGOs. Yet, improbable as it may seem to the smart set, Donald Trump, denounced as an imminent threat to world peace by almost all the academic, diplomatic, and journalistic elites, may have triggered the process of reconciling the Arab world to peaceful coexistence with Israel.

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WNU Editor: It certainly looks like some Arab countries have made the decision to reconcile with Israel, and it is all happening due to President Trump. My prediction. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will be the next Arab countries to publicly announce the normalization of relations with Israel.


Anonymous said...

1. not all arab countries
2. Israel has been working with and in touch with many Arab nations for a decade. Now it is made public

Anonymous said...

Fred at 8:33 AM

It is funny Fred how you left out Bahrain, when praising Obama with multitudinous paeons the other day. You did not know that Bahrain was also in the works, so you did not mention it.

How could you have known? the Washington Post and the New york times did warn you you, did not tell you before other papers had reported it.

Now, Freddy is all retcon. A person who has to retcon as much as you do is not a person to be taken seriously and is a person with with less than a modicum on intelligence.

If your website relied on your ability to curate interesting or important articles, your witty commentary, and no porn, your site would dry up and blow away faster than sagebrush rolling in a derecho.

clerky's website without porn

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

" You're so ugly, your mother had to tie a steak around your neck to get the dog to play with you! "

Some people use steaks. Other people use free porn.

Anonymous said...

ah, girls are in a snit today...must be that time of the momnth...if those not familiar with Freddie's site are unsure of what the girls are foaming about, then go here

Seems the girls know that mommy says they are too young for adult sites and so instead wet their panties and worry about theheir acne

Anonymous said...

Sudan and Oman Mr WNU are likely to be next. Plus direct flights to Morocco, that's the plans!

Anonymous said...

At 1:18 Frederick R, Lapides of CT is crying like a baby. His wife does not pay attention to him. So we all know what he does.