Friday, September 11, 2020

Will There Be An Issurection If President Trump Is Declared The Winner On Election Night?

President Donald Trump said he would put down any election night riots 'within minutes' if they were to occur and he is announced the winner that night

Daily Mail: Donald Trump says he will put down 'INSURRECTION' if he is declared winner and there are riots on election night

* The president vowed to crush any rioting should opponents 'threaten riots' if they lose on Election Night
* Trump said it was 'called insurrection' and vowed to 'put it down within minutes'
* Trump has inveighed against mail-in ballots and says the results should be known Election Day

President Donald Trump is vowing to crush any 'riots' that occur among opposition should he be declared the winner on Election night – saying he would 'put it down within minutes.'

Trump was asked about the hypothetical scenario by Fox News host Jeanine Pirro – who mentioned 'threats' of riots without providing specifics.

'Let's say there are threats. They say that they are going to threaten riots if they lose on election night, assuming we get a winner on election night. What are you going to do?' the host asked him.

Read more ....

Update: ‘We’ll put them down very quickly’: Trump threatens to quash election night riots (Politico)

WNU Editor: If President Trump is declared a winner on election night (or the next day), there will be riots. But it will be up to the mayors and governors on what to do.


Anonymous said...

I heard a Cornhusker talk about the riots in his state's capitol. The governor called out the National Guard on or after the 2nd night of rioting. There were no more riots.

Now some thousands of people lined the interstate I-80 to show respect for a fallen officer.

NSP has photo of all 30 overpasses procession passed: Supporters of fallen officer on every one

There could have been well over 10,000 people. There were hundred or more on every overpass. There were people parked on the shoulder from Omaha to Lincoln (47 miles)

Mario Herrera a vet, a former state patrolman, and a 23 year veteran of Lincoln PD (investigator) was shot by a Democrat. It is what Democrats do.

" the Lincoln department’s gang unit and criminal division tried to serve a warrant at a house near 33rd and Vine Streets. Authorities had received information that Vazquez — who was wanted for second-degree assault in connection with Edward Varejcka’s stabbing death in March — was there."

Looks like the Democrat stabbed to death a veteran's son.

The surname is Czech. Somehow Democrats assume that WASP's rule the world. Memo to Democrats a Czech is not an Anglo Saxon. They may not be protestant either. But nowadays merely being white is enough for a Democrats to go polar bear on a white person.

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily, Mr. Editor. Mr. Trump has the option of declaring martial law in all or select areas of the nation, and suspending habeous corpus. He can then have the ringleaders and financiers of the riots arrested and tried by military tribunal. These are all things that President Abraham Lincoln did in 1861 when the Democrats let the southern states to succeed from the USA and US troops were attack in Baltimore by southern mobs. I suggest President Trump may have to do the same. The US people would support him. The President would probably do best to shut down selected broadcast media as well.

jimbrown said...

Worse than y2k.

The left's endless threatsdisinformation need to come to an end.

The extremists numbers are extremely small. They would disappear if it weren't for the attentive media like the tree in the woods with no one to hear.

Jeffsmith said...

In a word, no.🤔

Anonymous said...

Democrats are doing a lot of insurrecting now. They are setting fires in Puyallup Washington. torching cities (Kenosha & Portland. Smashing business districts, Seattle, New York and Portland.

The journalists, no make that propagandists, can lie about the protests being peaceful, but these same flamers cannot answer, if these protests are peaceful, then why is the damage over a billion dollars?

Amp1776 said...

hope for the best expect the worst. Lord knows the left has shown where their hearts lie. over, and over , and over.

Im not expecting anything less then pandemonium. It benefits those with the am of bringing down the United States however it unfolds. why the hell not.