Sunday, September 13, 2020

Will A U.S. - Japan - Australia - India Alliance Be Established To Face China?

Australia could join a trade organisation called 'The Quad' with the US, Japan and India following a proposal by the US government

Daily Mail: Australia could join forces with the US, Japan and India to create an alliance named 'The Quad' to reduce reliance on trade with China

* Australia could form economic bloc dubbed 'The Quad' with US, Japan and India
* US state official said the four-way country grouping could fill Indo-Pacific region
* Added South Korea, Vietnam and New Zealand could eventually join the alliance
* The US said 'The Quad' could protect against 'a potential challenge from China'
* Move comes amid rising tensions between the Australian government and China

Australia could join a proposed economic alliance dubbed 'The Quad' with the US, Japan and India to reduce reliance on trade with China as tensions between Canberra and Beijing reach new heights.

US Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun has proposed the four-country grouping as a way of filling a trade power vacuum in the Indo-Pacific region.

He added Washington could eventually invite South Korea, Vietnam and New Zealand to join the alliance.

Read more ....

Update #1: With eye on China, U.S. aims to 'formalize' four-nation 'Quad' security grouping (Japan times)
Update #2: How China Strengthens the Quad (The Diplomat)

WNU Editor: I can easily see scores of other Asian countries joining such an alliance. South Korea, New Zealand, Vietnam, maybe the Philippines and Indonesia to name a few.


Ron said...

I would say yes, unless the Biden Regency Council gets elected

Anon said...

its very Ironic and media scaring everybody US alone can cripple China

what if US got help from Japan, Australia, India, South Korea, Germany, Russia, this is only very very few to mention that will stand with US against China.

China just have to be friendly as only choice.

Anonymous said...

Trump had China on his mind for 20+years. He saw exactly how they funded our think tanks, media, political and educational institutions. If he doesn't get assassinated, I see a major revival of the West and many western sympathising countries from the EU to Australia and Vietnam. Under Biden, China's grip will strengthen and a potential CCP takeover or WW3 is more likely

Unknown said...

Don't forget the vatican