Thursday, September 24, 2020

With Most Western Countries Now Facing A Second Covid-19 Wave, Will Panic Buying Return?

The Guardian: UK supermarkets urge shoppers not to panic over lockdown fears

Major grocery chains caution against stockpiling as Asda brings in 1,000 safety marshals

Supermarket bosses have urged shoppers not to start panic buying, while Asda is bringing in 1,000 safety marshals, as the industry braces for a potential change in shopping habits ahead of new lockdown restrictions.

Tesco boss Dave Lewis said stockpiling was “unnecessary” as there was no disruption to product supply chains as a result of new government measures to tackle rising Covid-19 infection.

Giles Hurley, the boss of discounter chain Aldi in the UK, wrote to customers saying: “There is no need to buy more than you usually would. I would like to reassure you that our stores remain fully stocked and ask that you continue to shop considerately.

“We have remained open for our customers throughout the pandemic and will continue to have daily deliveries, often multiple times a day, across all of our products.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Panic buying is already happening in Montreal. My Costco store was out of toilet paper/Kleenex/etc. yesterday.

Update: UK Grocers Stave Off Panic Buying Amid 2nd Lockdown Fears; Daily COVID Case Record Smashed (Zero Hedge).


Anonymous said...

Democrats Blame a Church 120 Miles Away for Corona Deaths in a Nursing Home Owned by a Democrat Mayor

It is a liberal disease.

It is a real pathogen. Amplification services brought to you by Democrats and liberals everywhere.

You could never work as an engineer the way public health officials work. Incidents like the I-35 bridge collapse would happen every day if engineers did.

Anonymous said...

Once Biden wins the disease will go away. Liberals in India, Mexico, South America, England, France, Spain, Italy, Africa and others are conspiracy to stop God King Emperor Donald Trump III from being re-elected.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you

Anonymous said...

Africans are lucky. They do not have so many mandarins ruling over them telling them waht to do. So they have access to chloroquine. Africans take chloroquine to prevent malaria. If some African deep stater told them to stop taking chloroquine, the deep stater would find themselves running or worse. Chloroquine helps against corona. Not noticing many deaths in Africa from corona. There are many reasons for it. Poor reporting, younger population, chloroquine, etc.

In Spain they use chloroquine. Just think if the American press had made a concerted effort to fuck over the Spanish people and prevent them from using chloroquine.

Italy And France Now Prescribing Hydroxychloroquine For Coronavirus - Health - Nairaland

Dave Goldstein said...

Don't panic UK's