Wednesday, October 21, 2020

50 Former Top U.S. Intelligence Officials Have Signed A Letter Claiming That The Hunter Biden Story Is Russian Disinformation

Hunter Biden (left) with his father, former vice-president Joe Biden.(Reuters: Carlos Barria) 

More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son. 

More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” 

The letter, signed on Monday, centers around a batch of documents released by the New York Post last week that purport to tie the Democratic nominee to his son Hunter’s business dealings. 

Under the banner headline “Biden Secret E-mails,” the Post reported it was given a copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drive by President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who said he got it from a Mac shop owner in Delaware who also alerted the FBI. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The laptop has been in the possession of the FBI when the Mac shop owner realized what was on it and notified the proper authorities. The FBI and the Justice Department do not believe this is a Russian disinformation campaign .... FBI in possession of Hunter Biden's purported laptop, sources say (FOX News). There is a sign receipt by Hunter Biden for these laptops. Hunter Biden's lawyer has inquired about these laptops. No one in the Biden campaign or the Bidens themselves have said these emails are false. Soem of the people who are mentioned in these emails have confirmed that it is them. There are numerous personal pictures of Hunter Binden on this laptop, and personal pictures of family gatherings that include the former Vice-President. So how can this be a Russian disinfo operation? 

Update #1: Their letter is here .... Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails. 

Update #2: The more I think about these 50 top intelligence officials, the more I shake my head. They admit they have no evidence, but are making their claims based on their feelings?!?!?!? Talk about promoting conspiracy theories. And when I look at the names of those who signed this letter, they are a who's who of top intelligence officials who got the US to invade Iraq, helped to destroy Libya, supported US military involvement in these forever wars, supported and implemented spying programs on Americans, and were involved in literally every intel/foreign policy disaster of the past 20 years. The fact that many of these officials will probably play a key role in a Biden administration should he win makes me shudder even more. These are America's best?!?!?

 More News On 50 Former Top U.S. Intelligence Officials Signing A Letter Claiming That The Hunter Biden Story Is Russian Disinformation 


Mike Feldhake said...

Nope, their a joke WNU Editor. Just cannon fodder for the dumb people who would believe it; but I this will not work.

Anonymous said...

Those 50.. when the election is over..
They need to be investigated. It is treason and we need to understand what's happening. Chinese thousand talents program? Compromised?or just liars like Adam Schiff?

Anonymous said...


jimbrown said...

It's disgusting how politicized these ex Intel people have become.

They're not the smartest bunch either. It is scary.

Anonymous said...

Two of the 50 officials are Clapper and Brennan.

So 50 becomes 48.

If is really less when you think about it. Clapper and Brennan all have loyalists, hangers-on, toadies, lieutenants or whatever you want to call them. There could be 5 to 25 for each of them.

Do you think if Colon Powell signed a letter for something that he could not call his former subordinate Richard Armitage and convince him to sign it also? Armitage would sign it out or loyalty, respect, fear, or something.

Brennan has a vested interest in signing such a document. He might go to prison, if Trump is re-elected. If Biden is elected his prosecution will be quashed on political grounds.

Also remember Brennan is Mr. 2-Face. He said one thing on CNN for months if not years and he told the grand jury the opposite.

After his testimony this summer and his subsequent relative silence, why would anyone believe a god damn thing Brennan said.

Anonymous said...


"These are America's best?!?!?"

Brennan openly voted for Gus Hall, a communist political candidate, who was financially supported by the Soviet Union.

"helped to destroy Libya, "
George Bush had an agreement with Libya. Thy turned over their WMD's. Obama broke the agreement. Obama was loathe to go into Libya.It was against his better judgment. French and Italian leader, Sarkozy and Bersculini, pressured him. MRS R2P, Samantha Power, pressured Obama. Not sure what Brennan did.

Okay, so R2P as foreign policy. So where was Colin Powell and his vaunted Pottery Barn Rule?

""You are going to be the proud owner of 25 million people," he told the president. "You will own all their hopes, aspirations, and problems. You'll own it all." Privately, Powell and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage called this the Pottery Barn rule: You break it, you own it." - Colin Powell 2004

According to some wags, R2P came about, because America was racist.

But even worse, and seldom acknowledged, is that Clinton did something far worse. He did not just “sit on his hands”: he deliberately stalled the efforts of others to intervene, and went so far as to deny the genocide in order to avoid being pressured to stop it

How the U.S. prevented U.N. action on Rwandan genocide, under Bill Clinton and Madeleine Albright

Google being Google it is hard to find where Bill Clinton blamed America for being racists as the cause for not helping Rwanda. I believe Bill went there. He certainly blamed America and thus Americans for not helping Rwanda, when he was THE PRESIDENT!

" top intelligence officials who got the US to invade Iraq,

The Russians airlifted and trucked them to Syria. Best money the Russians every spent. If it leads to the dissolution of the US and global thermal nuclear war. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

1994 Rwanda Pullout Driven by Clinton White House, U.N. Equivocation

White House Clears E-Mail Release and Susan Rice Hand-written Notes

Woof! Woof! Susan is such an ugly person in the inside.

With a Biden president, we get more Susan Rice. New and Improved.

Anonymous said...

Related to above post:

Interesting but the Ministry of Truth (Which is Coalescing) is doing two things.

1) Rehabilitating a political figure, if for no other reason to maintain respect for a a party (idea or self-concept).

2) Chiding reader that they should not read old articles and reflect. They might spot retcon, which will spoil current narrative and the current hold on power.

Bill Clinton failed to stop genocide in Rwanda, but his foundation is quietly making amends

April 16, 2015 This article is more than 2 years old.

Anonymous said...

No one in the Biden campaign or the Bidens themselves have said these emails are false.

They have the vast majority of the media on their side. So they do not have to. If you question this leftist thugs will voluntarily come to your homer e and harass you or worse., The DNC will not have to explicitly send them orders. It will be gratis.

The Biden campaign and press will engage in circular reasoning. They will each refer to the other and say it has been debunked. Wit each iteration they will get more and more confident that they are pulling it off and they will get more and more believable to uniformed voters. They will look and be indignant about the wrong done to them. They will half believe their own lies.

Some of the people who are mentioned in these emails have confirmed that it is them.

They are paid by the Russians. When Biden gets elected and Brennan is in charge again, they will get additional jail time for being Russian stooges.

There are numerous personal pictures of Hunter Binden on this laptop, and personal pictures of family gatherings that include the former Vice-President.

The Russians hacked is computer via the internet sand stole the pictures. They then put together a package of fake docs and real pictures and inserted it back into his Hinter's real computer via the internet. GRU agents then snuck in the tow Russian hookers into Biden's home and they peed on his computers. The hookers are very good at peeing. They have much practise.

So how can this be a Russian disinfo operation?

It is whatever the Ministry of Truth says it is. They went to journalism school. They are smarter than you obviously.

Amp1776 said...

50 deep state operatives that need to be fired...

Anonymous said...

Right or wrong...if they supported the invasion of Iraq they have the ugly history that has followed that "mistake" for nearly two decades on their now stooping backs. That was a disaster beyond measure. There is no excuse for such incompetence and hubris. The can do sirs who rarely sully their uniforms.

Anonymous said...

Right or wrong?

Such mendaciousness