Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Look At How United States Cyber Commander And Director Of The NSA Gen. Paul Nakasone Is Transforming US Cyber Warfare Capabilities

The director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Paul Nakasone, often speaks about "persistent engagement" as a way to keep up pressure on adversaries in cyberspace. Since he took over last year, the spy agency has been pursuing a more assertive approach. Evan Vucci/AP 

Meet General Paul Nakasone. He reined in chaos at the NSA and taught the US military how to launch pervasive cyberattacks. And he did it all without you noticing. 

IN THE YEARS before he became America's most powerful spy, Paul Nakasone acquired an unusually personal understanding of the country's worst intelligence failures. 

Growing up, he was reared on his father Edwin's recollections of December 7, 1941: how Edwin, then age 14, was eating a bowl of cornflakes with Carnation powdered milk when he saw Japanese Zeros racing past the family's screen door on Oahu on their way to attack Pearl Harbor. They were so close that Edwin, who would grow up to become an Army intelligence officer, could see one of the pilots. “I can still remember to this day,” Edwin would recall years later, “that he had his hachimaki—his headband—around, goggles on.” 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The above Wired post is a must read for NSA/Cyber Command watchers. On a side note, Gen. Paul Nakasone is currently under quarantine .... NSA director is in quarantine after potential coronavirus exposure (CyberScoop).


Anonymous said...

"The above Wired post is a must read for NSA/Cyber Command watchers."

"when the US suffered another ambush by a foreign adversary: the Kremlin's assault on the 2016 presidential election.

one of the most senior leaders of Cyber Command told me he remembers learning about the election interference mainly in the newspaper. "

Seems like more liberal dribble to me.

I suppose it could be true. Many Americans choose a president like they choose a sex partner. They look for good hair. Someone who is virile.

Just How Important Is a Presidential Candidate’s Hair?

There is a reason why Biden is affectionately known as "Plugs."

Or why someone said do not underestimate Schumer's smile/teeth.

Eisenhower, LBJ and Nixon had bad hair. Since them candidates have had good hair. Could Americans ever pick a candidate with male pattern baldness again?

Point is, if Americans are shallow enough to choose candidates by their hair and teeth, maybe a few Russian junior officers could swing an American election.

Muhammad Azwar said...

Nice Post.
Also check this out
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