Monday, October 5, 2020

A Look At The Rise Of ISIS In Mozambique

The terrorists have killed more than 1,500 people in northern Mozambique 

The terrorists captured a strategic port town in Mozambique earlier this year – telling locals it would be their new stronghold – and have killed thousands in the African country 

 ISIS -linked jihadis have amassed a fighting force that is wreaking havoc and slaughtering its enemies.

The terrorists have killed more than 1,500 people in northern Mozambique and displaced more than a quarter of a million since 2017. 

The southern Africa country has been overrun by militants in recent years. 

Back in August, ISIS militants captured the port town of Mocimboa da Praia, in the province of Cabo Delgado, and told locals it would be their new capital. 

The region is rich in oil – featuring Total and Exxon Mobile bases – and its deep forests offer terrorists smuggling routes for arms and ammunition. 

Locals refer to the armed group as the Machababos or Al Shabaab, but the ISIS-affiliated group calls itself Al-Sunnah Wa Jama'ah. 

Read more .... 

 More News On The ISIS Insurgency In Northern Mozambique 


Anonymous said...

Americans should not worry about Mozambique. Most 'graduates' of American high schools taught by union teachers (D) in Democrat run cities cannot find Mozambique on a map.

If these Americans should be able to find Mozambique on the map, they will have no money.

Biden win could accelerate dollar's drop: Goldman Sachs

A Biden win is a 75% probability or higher.

People like the evil Lord Mark Elias of the Perkins Coie's Political Law Group (Army actually) has been suing everyone so that mail in ballots do not need signatures, verification signatures or postmark. Without these it makes it easier to manufacture ballots, overwhelm the system (Cloward & Piven), and steal the election.

Honorable Lord Mark Elias stole the election for Senator Al Franken the comedian. They found a 1,000 votes. Sound familiar?

Remember they found votes and got Governor Gregoire elected in Washington? They found the votes in the international district. You should visit the international district sometime and make up your own mind (I have).

Remember when they found votes in Tampa and tried to steal the election for the Democrats? Remember the Democrat candidate for governor was found on the floor of a motel room laying vomit with a rent boy?

The dollar is going to devalue and goods made overseas are going to increase by 33% or more. This dark cloud does have a silver lining. It means porn kings on a fixed income will not be able to buy a replacement computers.

A Democrat win is all but guaranteed due to ballot harvesting.

If there is not resolution due to ballot harvesting not being quite enough, Miss Pelosi has a plan. It goes to the House of Representatives and Queen Pelosi the Maskless. will see to it that a proper Democrat is enthroned and The US becomes like Californication.

You, some 80 year old crank whose husband got rich buddying up to the Chinese communist party will decide your fate.

Mark Elias, The Lawyer Behind ‘Russia Dossier’ Pressures Nevada To Allow ‘Ballot Harvesting’

Anonymous said...

“Next year the new meme is going to be a return to the twin deficits, large budget deficit and large current account deficit,”

- Marc Chandler, chief market strategist at the trading firm Bannockburn Global Forex

Current account deficit doomed Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood was gone because of it.

The US is 4X bigger, but they can be doomed because of it too.

But keep voting Democrat Bitches!