Monday, October 19, 2020

A President Biden Administration Will Purge The US Intelligence Community Of All Trump Appointees And Supporters

Politico: Biden would revamp fraying intel community 

Intelligence has become a political weapon under Trump, the Democratic nominee's advisers say.

President Donald Trump was in the middle of receiving a highly classified briefing on Afghanistan at his New Jersey golf club when he suddenly craved a malted milkshake. 

“Does anyone want a malt?” he asked the senior defense and intelligence officials gathered around him, an august group that included the head of the CIA’s Special Activities Center, which is responsible for covert operations and paramilitary operations. “We have the best malts, you have to try them,” Trump insisted, as he beckoned a waiter into the room where code-word classified intelligence was being discussed. 

The malt episode, which took place a few months after Trump took office in 2017, became legendary inside the CIA, said three former officials. It was seen as an early harbinger of Trump’s disinterest in intelligence, which would later be borne out by the new president’s notorious resistance to reading his classified daily briefing, known as the PDB, and his impatience with the briefers, current and former officials said. 

WNU Editor: A typical Politico post. President Trump bad. A President Biden will correct everything. But what caught my eye is an admission from those who are supporting the Biden campaign that a Biden administration will purge the intelligence community of everyone who was appointed by President Trump and/or those who support his agenda starting with the CIA Director Gina Haspel. And as to who will replace these officials that will be purged by a Biden administration. Again the Politico post is quoting sources who are very blunt and on the record (no anonymous sources/reporting here). The same gang that got fired by President Trump because of their intelligence leaks to the media, and their obstruction of the Trump agenda at the beginning of his term.


Anonymous said...

Russia is run by an oligarchy, which replaced or transitioned form the old Soviet oligarchy.

Shocking I know. Iron law of oligarchy and all that.

Does the Russian oligarchy really want to deal with the oligarchy in place if "the handlers of Biden" win?

Sure the American Left oligarchy can pull the eject button (25th Amendment) and dump Joe Biden on his ass. Jill & Joe get the consolation prize. They get the moniker First Lady and President on their tombstones. We get the cabal. Hunter might get to stay out of prison.

With as much dirt in the Democrat Party, how many suckers will the CCCP and Russians steal?

but would it be worth it? In the end the Brennans, Comeys, Wrays and others might start a war to stem Democrat woes.

No Comey and Wray cannot start a war, but they will enable or cover for corrupt people, who will.

Anonymous said...

Dear Editor:
a new administration often changes those in charge, put there by a previous administration. Trump did this. and all the presidents before him.

Anonymous said...

@wnu you're right.. I've had it with every article is partisan, conjecture and boring. They're just partisan hacks pretending to be analytical. All articles are anti Trump and pro Biden. Collusion with China? No problem. Nor even discussed. What a shitshow.. I'd be embarrassed working there

Anonymous said...

It funny how the editor mentioned that when everyone was talking about and mad at Trump for put his own people in place. Typical double standard. Just red meat for the trumpdards on this page as you can tell by the comments.

Anonymous said...

I'd prefer the Biden admin. physically destroy the entire GOP. Nuke it from space, it's the only way to be sure.

Dare to dream, I say.

fred said...

Both sides of the political spectrum have accused Politico of either having a left or right bias. For example, Media Matters for America, a progressive media watchdog group in Washington, has accused them of having a “Republican tilt.” Politico also published an article criticizing Obama for not being a strong supporter of Israel: “Obama’s Jewish Problem”. In another article, they state that Liberals are not as tolerant as they say they are: “Why Liberals Aren’t as Tolerant as They Think.” Further, here is an article criticizing Democratic Socialism: “Down Goes Socialism” and another criticizing Bernie Sanders, “Bernie’s army in disarray.” Lastly, according to the Poynter Institute, Politico is balanced.

The right-leaning Daily Caller has also criticized Politico for having a liberal bias when they compared a New York Times headline to Politico’s Playbook headline, by claiming that it “Extended further to the left than the NYT on this headline.”

A 2014 Pew Research Survey found that 59% of Politico’s audience is consistently or mostly liberal, 16% Mixed and 26% consistently or mostly conservative. This indicates that Politico is preferred by a more liberal audience.

In review, Politico occasionally publishes listicles such as “All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts.” They also publish articles with minimally loaded words such as “Ocasio-Cortez warns Trump Jr. about subpoena power in response to meme”, and they source to credible media outlets such as Reuters and the NY Times. However, they sometimes do use emotional headlines such as this: Establishment looks to crush liberals on Medicare for All. They also have a content partnership with the South China Morning Post which we rate Mixed for factual reporting.

Editorially, in the past, they provide a balance of opinions as evidenced by the criticism they have received from both sides. However, since our last review many more op-eds and news stories favor the left through story selection, and wording such as this Republicans gripped by dread as multiple crises swirl and this Trump official pressured CDC to change report on Covid and kids. In general, they report news factually and recently with a more left-leaning bias in both story selection and editorial positions.

Failed Fact Checks

None to date

Overall, we rate Politico Left-Center biased based on story selection and editorial positions that slightly favor the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record. (5/18/2016) Updated (M. Huitsing 10/05/2020)

Anonymous said...

Fred comes in with a whopping 33 lines of copy and paste!

Is someone keeping count?

Is that a personal best for Fred?

Anonymous said...

It would not be too hard to make a program

* to scan the key words of a blogpost

* Search the top 30 liberal media sites for those key words for posted articles

* Choose one article and copy its headline and link it or copy and paste the body of the article

Alternatively maybe Koko could be trained to do the same.

Does anyone really enjoy Fred's posts or do they just put up with him?

Anonymous said...

Nah no one does, Lapides is just an old washed up socialist liar.
His only fan is Joe Hill.

Anonymous said...


I'm aware of Politico from years ago but note that I no longer use them. Perhaps I'll take a gander again.
Frankly it is time consuming to find an objective site anymore.

Anonymous said...

7:03 you fool no one. Actually you're quite funny please don't stop.

Anonymous said...

Most truly intelligent people will read a wide spectrum of material to learn all they can on a subject of interest. And then form their own opinions. Which the ignorant on this website seem to dis encourage. Fox News is all or nothing. Please keep living with echo chamber.

Anonymous said...

Most truly intelligent people will read a wide spectrum of material to learn all they can on a subject of interest. And then form their own opinions. Which the ignorant on this website seem to dis encourage. Fox News is all or nothing. Please keep living with echo chamber.

Anonymous said...

Yes and truly intelligent people repeat themselves while bragging about their own intelligence.
Don't stop you're great!

Anonymous said...

As I said don't stop please, but FYI you really should review your technique.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This is a response?!

Anonymous said...

11:30 that is rather pathetic even from you.

Anonymous said...

Trump crowd huge,
Biden 10 people! Polls leading.

Who is pathetic?

Let’s see 110320

Anonymous said...

No, this is a statement that Dems will be in a trash by November.