Monday, October 5, 2020

Air Force One And Marine One Fleet Grounded For A Deep Clean After President Trump's Covid-19 Diagnosis

President Trump boards the Marine One helicopter to depart the White House and fly to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, October 2. REUTERS/Leah Millis 

 * The entire fleet of Air Force One and Marine One will be grounded for a deep clean in the wake of President Trump testing positive for Covid-19 
 * Two customized Boeing 747s and several Sikorsky helicopters will be out of commission during the cleaning 
 * Washington D.C. has been thrown into a tailspin since Trump's positive test, as congressional aides and SCOTUS staffers rush to sites to get tested 
 * There is concern that the White House's event of unveiling SCOTUS nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Saturday could be a nexus for the spread, 
 * At least three White House reporters have tested positive 
 * One journalist who tested positive had traveled with Trump on Air Force One for a mostly maskless rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, according to CNN 
 * Trump had come to the back of the plane to talk for about 10 minutes, as the reporters had to gather closely around him due to the loud noise of the aircraft 
 * Reporters have feared for months of an outbreak, citing that they frequently interact with White House aides, many of whom refuse to wear masks 

The entire fleet of Air Force One and Marine One will be grounded for a deep clean in an unprecedented measure in the wake of President Trump testing positive for Covid-19 on Thursday. 

Two customized Boeing 747s, one of which carried Trump on Thursday, and several Sikorsky helicopters, often used to transport the president from the White House to Andrews Air Force Base, will be out of commission during the cleaning. 

Washington D.C. has been thrown into a tailspin since Trump's positive test, as congressional aides and SCOTUS staffers rush to sites to get tested. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: It must be quite a job to "deep clean" the Air Force One and Marine One fleet. And to do it quickly in the event of an emergency.


Anonymous said...

Here's hoping every single white house reporter catches the bug.

Anonymous said...

Typhoid Trump is on the loose world, lookout. No amount of cleaning is getting that stank out. Hopefully, he infects more GOP members.

Anonymous said...

COVID has a very low fatality rate, extremely low.

Unless you live in a nursing home in a blue state.

Why Governor Cuomo (D) murdered 11,000 senior citizens all by himself.

Anonymous said...

So here we have white house reporters, I presume, coming down with this stuff. I would love to read an article that explains what these people did to become infected. I'm sick of numbers and quickly grew weary of speculation from all the camera hungry "experts" and their many contradictions, finger pointing, political attacks, and so forth.
In my experience I've not met anyone who has caught this stuff. I've heard of one family in a different state becoming infected.
I wear what is now termed the wrong mask and am aware of spacing but am not a hard core practioner.
Anybody else experiencing something different?

Anonymous said...

I heard of a little of a dozen students in the local school having to quarantine because they had it or were n contact with someone who did.

Over a dozen young uns and not one death or intubation. I am disappointed. Liberals said to being the popcorn and "no boom."

Seniors in nursing homes are another issue.m About 80 of them have died. Now, if a senior, a male (female), is 75 (79) that is the average age of death. Further, if they are 75 (79) and have a condition other than COVID that gets them placed in a nursing home, their average stay until death is 3 (5) months.

Now COVID comes along and shaves a few months off. So now instead of living 75 years and 3 months, it is 75 years and 1 month. The loss of a few months is sad, but the percentage lost overall is small. It is not a Katie bar the door crisis. It is just not. Anyone, who says otherwise, is a lying fucker.