Friday, October 23, 2020

Are Black Voters In The U.S. Going To Vote For President Trump?

Daily Mail: Charlamagne Tha God credits Trump with 'actually talking to young Black male voters' and says he is voting for Kamala Harris instead of Joe Biden 

 * Radio host, 42, says Democratic Party marketing targets older black men only 
 * He said Trump campaign has been more effective in reaching young black men 
 * The influential host said he's not 'necessarily voting for Biden' but is for Harris 
 * In May interview with host, Biden said black voters not backing him 'ain't black' 

Radio personality Charlamagne Tha God has credited President Donald Trump with attempting to reach young black male voters, a group he said 'never gets courted' during election campaigns. 

The influential 42-year-old radio host said Democratic Party marketing tended to speak to the interests of older black men, assuming that all other black people will share their concerns.

'When it comes to those black people you see who maybe [are] showing support for Trump, I just think because Trump is actually talking to young Black male voters,' he said. 

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WNU Editor: I sense a shift, but I am not in the US. Is this shift significant? If the below tweet is half true, President Trump will easily be re-elected.


Anonymous said...

If Trump wins, he will get his enterprise zones.

He will beat the fuck out of political generals. They can retire to The Villages.

Why many in black gangs might go legit, because the opportunity is there and black gangs will no longer give Democrats a hearing or take their money to get out the vote.

Just think if the black poverty rate was no longer higher than the white poverty rate and both poverty rates went down. Trump can make it happen.

Anonymous said...

If DJT can overcome the nanceys, shoe-makers, the schiffs, it would be a memorable time in history in our country.
Like Lyndon Johnson's not-so-great Great Society on steroids.

Anonymous said...

Nice left handed compliment.

Why I heard Trump was going to dust off the Great Society playbook, put a new cover on it and and run the same plays in the same sequence.

You interested in a bridge?

B.Poster said...

"Trump can make it happen." I agree with a few caveats. 1.) I truly believe he has the correct policies but he can't do it alone. He's going to need the assistance of Congress, state abd local leaders, and last but certainly not least much of the government bureaucracy as well as much of its leadership to implement these policies. 2.) Even if he wins I don't expect his enemies to stand down. In fact, I'd expect the opposite. They're going to double and perhaps triple down. 3.) Much of the bureaucracy and it's leadership will likely need to be purged. This includes the entire (un(intelligence community and much of the military leadership. Getting all of this done seems beyond the scope of what Trump can make happen by himself.

O think we do agree getting Trunp reelected is of the utmost importance. The rest will need to be worked on and will probably take several presidential administrations of like minded people to fully fix.

Anonymous said...

You agree with me often. Regardless you are a troll, comrade.

B.Poster said...

I'm a "troll?" If there's a specific area of disagreement we can discuss it. For example, maybe my caveats are in error. I'd be interested in your thoughts on that.

I'm definitely not a "comrade." A comrade is generally considered as a communist. You can pull up my Facebook page "Rob Foshee" and from this it should be apparent that I'm not a communist. Since you haven't taken the effort to contact me based upon what I've provided I doubt you will do that either. Instead you would rather insult me. In contrast I have always tried to be very respectful to you.
This would seem to make you the troll and not me as insulting others and being disrespectful is part of the definition of internet troll. Now ifvyiu have a critique of my post and wish to discuss it I'm all eyes and will respond asap.

Jeffsmith said...

He ain't got the black vote. At least not in East Cleveland.

fazman said...

Wait until the privacy of the polling booth

B.Poster said...


I tend to agree. I'm very skeptical that Trump is going to make inroads into getting the black vote. Now, if he wins reelection and we shed our ridiculous response to COVID-19 and get our economy back, then I could conceivably see Trump's successor making such inroads.


Well said. A friend of mine who is an elected official once told me essentially the same thing. Your internal polling can tell you one thing but you never really know what someone is going to do once in the booth. The pollsters such as Trafalgar and Rasmussen who have sound track records are either predicting a Trump victory or are suggesting a close race. Additionally team Trump is behaving like they are expecting to win. In contrast, team Biden is acting like the Shakespearian character in Hamlet, "thou doest protest much." Is as though they are trying to put on a brave front and are possibly deceiving themselves. While the Democrats may have the "cheat factor," I do not anticipate either team Trump or their supporters taking such things lying down.