Wednesday, October 7, 2020

China Now Threatening War Over New Taiwan Independence Proposal

File Photo: China Military 

New fiery rhetoric from Beijing at a proposal by Taiwan’s opposition party comes amid an ongoing and provocative trip to the region by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. 

CHINA ON WEDNESDAY levied new threats at Taiwan and appears poised to escalate its military efforts to bring to heel what it considers a renegade province, following an attempt by the island nation's opposition party to bring it into closer cooperation with the U.S. 

Beijing was already angered by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's ongoing tour through Asia to shore up support for containing China before the Taiwanese Kuomintang Party, or KMT, on Tuesday launched a new effort for the government there to reestablish diplomatic ties with the U.S. 

"The only way forward is for the mainland to fully prepare itself for war and to give Taiwan secessionist forces a decisive punishment at any time," Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the Chinese state-sponsored Global Times, wrote in a column Wednesday morning. "As the secessionist forces' arrogance continues to swell, the historical turning point is getting closer." 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Taiwan is preparing for a worst case scenario .... Taiwan Preps for an Invasion From China as Tensions Heat Up (Daily Beast).


Anonymous said...

I blame Obama and Hillary. Biden was bit player and a grifter. You can't charge Biden now because he is demented. By the time the he is arraigned and stuff with in a year he will plead insanity from dementia.

Taiwan is calculating that The Democrats will win despite incompetence, since they have the soldiers in academia, the press and on the streets. The Democrats will win not in spite of their criminality, but because of it.

That is the calculation Taiwan is making. The status quo of 2 system,s will not hold since Joe Biden is bought and paid for by China. And if the the national mood wants to retaliate against China, Biden will make sure it is too little, too late and throw up his hands like Napolitano did on the border wall and walk away.

We are getting this situation in part because Democrats are seen as weak.

Mike Feldhake said...

!!??!!?? What are you smoking? Trump in a landslide!

fazman said...

I wish you were right :(

Anonymous said...

Mike Feldhake,

I will be voting Trump. This or next weekend.

As Rush Limbaugh pointed out the polls are not real. That is they are not real until about labor Day and then then polling organizations ramp the polls up or down to what they really are to maintain credibility.

The pollster's idea is t build mom o for their candidate and try to bake that in and them switch to the actual numbers so as to not lose credibility. Not sure what to believe. Depressed or not depressed my vote will be the same. So the psy-ops that some pollsters play do not work on me in affecting my vote. It may work on other people.

(Some pollsters would think if their psy ops work on me even if they do not change my vote it is in the win column are in for a rude awakening. It just makes me mean. It can come out many different ways. Such as not calling 911, not bearing witness, not providing a helping hand, ... So them or their kind will reap at some point.)

I think the pollsters are all in. They might ... might give use the realm poll in the week before election day or might give Biden a 2 or 3 point lead as a last ditch attempt, when it shows it the other way around.

Then there is the the vote fraud. It will be worse this year than any previous year. After what I read I do not think California is blue for at least 15 out of the last 20 years. I think that the Democrats just flip it every year due to cheating.

I was encourage by the Trump parade in NYC. That impresses me more than the boat thing.

We shall see.

Myself I have right of return to country across the pond. It depends if the laws have changed. It is fucked up over there too, but a person might be able to make lemonade.

Layguy said...

Good commentary.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MAGA Thanks for voting Trump!!