Monday, October 19, 2020

Chinese And Taiwanese Diplomats Fight During An Event To Celebrate Taiwan's National Day In Fiji


 * A physical clash between the Chinese and Taiwanese diplomats broke out in Fiji 
 * It occurred at a hotel reception celebrating Taiwan's National Day on October 8 
 * Taipei claimed one of its employees sustained a head injury after the altercation 
 * Beijing said the Taiwanese were 'acting provocatively' and 'injured its diplomat' 

A Taiwanese official has allegedly sustained a head injury after a physical clash broke out between the diplomats of China and Taiwan during an event to celebrate Taiwan's National Day in Fiji. 

Taipei accused two Chinese officials of 'gatecrashing' the reception at the luxurious Grand Pacific Hotel in the Fijian capital Suva and beating up one of its employees on October 8. 

But Beijing denied the allegation today, claiming that the Taiwanese officials were 'acting provocatively' and 'injured a Chinese diplomat'. 

Read more .... 

 More News On Chinese And Taiwanese Diplomats Having A Fight During An Event To Celebrate Taiwan's National Day In Fiji 


G said...

Better now then never

Anonymous said...

Do you notice how Chinese don't accept or understand "No!" and you're not welcome here?

I'm sure they'll make great rapists too

No more business with China. Do business with China and you'll regret it

Anonymous said...

And those thugs are the "diplomats" of China
Haha goon squat all of them..I say close all Chinese embassies. They're soies and thieves anyways. Probably smuggle in viral agents to release too

Anonymous said...
