Wednesday, October 7, 2020

CNN Analyst Says President Trump Is A 'Biological Terrorist'. CBS Anchor Wonders If President Trump Faked His Illness

Summit News: CNN Analyst Labels President Trump “A Biological Terrorist” 

 “I mean that literally” 

A CNN analyst tweeted Tuesday that President Donald Trump is “a biological terrorist,” later doubling down and adding “I mean that literally”. 

Asha Rangappa made the post after Trump triumphantly returned to the White House on Monday and ripped off his face mask in front of the press, much to their disdain. 

“Trump’s own AG says that COVID meets the statutory definition of a ‘biological agent’ and that intentionally passing it to others can constitute an act of terrorism,” Rangappa whined on Twitter. 

WNU Editor: Bias in the media. Nah!!!!


Anonymous said...

"BTW, I mean that literally. Trump's own AG says that COVID meets the statutory definition of a "biological agent" and that intentionally passing it to others can constitute an act of terrorism"

- a ditz

If you are on the downside, you might shed virus. Might. And that virus might be dead or weakened. It definitely reduced in number. Does Asha Rangappa know the viral load, when it peaks and when it is on the downside and when it is zero? Or when it is near zero and thus essentially not a problem or a benefit?

If we literally want to be as stupid and asinine as Asha Rangappa, anyone who leave home after catching rhino, influenza or corona virus are biological terrorists. When you are sneezing, have a runny nose and aching in winter time, you know you have a cold. You might not know if it is corona, rhino or influenza, but you know you have something. So technically you could round up 200 million to 300 million Americans and charge them. You could do this 1 to 6 times a year for all of them.

Some scientist or medical officials have wondered if masks are innoculating people to COVID. They reason that the mask lets through some virus. But the viral load of the initial infection is small enough that people people do not become ill but develop an immunity instead.

Trump was in the hospital 3.5 days. It probably 4 to 7 days after he was infected and so well past the peak. So any viral shedding is not great.

You ahve to think int terms of LD50 or such.

Asha Rangappa is trained as a lawyer and no more. Maybe, if her father is still alive, she should have run her tweet past him first and so not embarrassed herself all to hell.

I have a second cousin. Got their nursing degree and now getting their JD so as to practice medical law. Asha Rangappa is commenting on this and her medical credentials are ...?

I can't seem to find them.

Did look up other stuff on her and she is a person to steer clear of IMO. Being a beauty queen did not go far in sculpting a nice ego.

B.Poster said...

An old friend of mine suggested that Trump may have faked his illness for the following reasons. 1.) He hopes to gain sympathy votes and 2.) his speedy recovery could be used to try and convince Americans that for the overwhelming majority of us this is nothing to worry about. I would say 1 is unlikely because rightly or wrongly Trump has been accused of not taking this virus seriously enough at the start. This narrative has likely set in and it is unlikely that this can be changed. Trump's getting ill would only serve to reinforce this narrative and faking illness would have negative utility. As for faking the illness, to prove it isn't the earth shattering threat it is being made out to be, this would be impossible as the medical team would need to be in on it and they would be risking their licenses. There's no upside combined with huge downside risks.

Now if Americans and people around the world are paying attention this is a teachable moment. POTUS was never seriously ill. Either his medical team panicked by taking him to the hospital or perhaps they wanted to make him look bad. POTUS's quick recovery is more evidence among mounting evidence that the overwhelming majority of us have nothing to fear from this disease. His advice not to let fear of this govern your life is sound advice. Hopefully we can all learn from this teachable moment.

Anonymous said...

I'd do her

Anonymous said...

You would? She is beautiful, but she is high maintenance. She had a fellow FBI husband (gotta be physical fit and all unless you come in at top as an appointee), but that lasted less than 15 years. It lasted at least 3 years and maybe 5. Hard to tell. She is not worth the freight.

Anonymous said...

Hit it and quit it!

Doctor Whom said...

Just in case you would like to know: The notion that media is or should be "objective" is based on some rather contemporary ideas. Tom Paine and Benny Franklin wrote articles for papers with their bias. That was the norm of papers then and pretty much now.

Trump Shunned Quack Coronavirus Cures For Himself That He Pushed On The Public

Anonymous said...

dynamic duo

Anonymous said...

We know who pasted a link to the HuffPo article. It has only been out an hour and they copied and pasted it before this here post. Gotta get the TPM done! LOL!

Trump Shunned Quack Coronavirus Cures For Himself That He Pushed On The Public

Hydroxychloroquine was used by the Brasilian president. It is still being used in Europe in Spain and France for example.

Hydroxychloroquine has a window of opportunity. The proponents say that you have touse it early in the infection.

Many Africans use hydroxychloroquine for malaria as a prophylactic. Therefore they are using it early. I am not seeing large death tolls in Africa. WNU worried about a large death tolls in Africa. Myself I though that there would not be since it is a younger population demographically, it is less obese and the reporting is bad. Still for all those things that would lessen the death toll or at least the reporting of it, We are not seeing scare stories about Africa or coming pout of Africa are we?

* Are you willing to go broke buying remdesivir to feed the profits a pharmaceutical corporation Gilead Sciences. Do you pledge you body soul and Bullshit to Gilead in all perpetuity?

* Are you willing to to put your life in the hands of Tedros Adhanom, who is not a medical doctor, but who is owned by China?

Are you that fucking stupid?

Yeah, you are.

Anonymous said...

Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vázquez Endorses Donald J. Trump for President

She was a Democrat. She switched.

Latinos are switching.

Walk away from the DNC!


Mike Feldhake said...

Yea, where is that in the news.

Nope, all cool aid drinkers all the time. Yawn.

Anonymous said...

‘Where are all of the arrests?’: Trump demands Barr lock up his foes

Anonymous said...

That is a very good question that Trump is asking. We know that Obama perverted the CIA and FBI. We know that the CIA spied on American citizens. We know that Obama et al manufactured charged to put people away. Obama and company would have moved fast except there was too much push back. Any other Republican administration would have fought more weakly and been imprisoned on false charges by kangaroo courts.

The charges against Trump and company are as false as the charges the at Cuomo is leveling against the Jews of New York. Cuomo is using a video of Jews attending synagogue form 2016 to assert that Jews are not taking any precautions against COVID.

I believe that our one and only gadfly (fill in the blank) would rather shove them into rail cars beside George than to defend them. Gadfly would wear PPE of course while shoving.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo used 14-year-old photo to show mass Orthodox gatherings during pandemic

I was wrong. It was a 2006 video not a 2016 video.

I can see people putting on PPE and getting ready to shove Jews into rail cars. Liberals like Cuomo and de Blasio have been coming at Jews with hammer and tongs.

Good little Eichmann liberals support them.

there will not be condemnation of Cuomo or "I am disappointed in him ..."

Anonymous said...

New York Governor Cuomo Announces Jewish Redlining Policy

- The Volokh Conspiracy

But I met with (_______________________) and shook hands with him, so ...

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris Denied Black Supremacists Existed, Then They Killed 4 People

More condemnation of skimmer. IF God asks him why he didn't act after reading, he will honestly claim that he did not read. He did not skim the headline. He just followed his herd.