Monday, October 19, 2020

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 19, 2020

BBC: Covid-19 pandemic: Tracking the global coronavirus outbreak 

Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world, with over 40 million confirmed cases in 189 countries and more than one million deaths. 

The virus is surging in many regions and some countries that had apparent success in suppressing initial outbreaks are also seeing infections rise again. 

Read more .... 

 Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 19, 2020 

Who Will Win Nagorno-Karabakh? -- Stratfor Worldview 

Amid Iran Talks, China Continues Gulf Outreach -- Sabena Siddiqui, Al Monitor 

Thailand Spirals Toward Outright Conflict -- Joshua Kurlantzick, CFR 

A New Normal for U.S. China Policy? -- A ChinaFile Conversation 

UK: Is Scotland on course to leave Britain? -- Alasdair Soussi, Al Jazeera 


Anonymous said...

With an ever increasing likelihood of a Trump reelection (go vote though, leave nothing to chance!), we should now think about the first actions Trump should undertake

By priorities

1 Dismantle China in the most painful and humiliating way should be top priority. The Chinese only understand one thing: power. To this extend I'd equip Taiwan with nukes and humiliate China publicly by removing all visa programs. The Chinese have lost all privileges for their continued attack on the west and our value systems. They ARE the enemy of the World and should be treated as such. Make a string evidence- based case on their ethnic cleansing programs, torture programs, organ harvesting and forced labour programs. Every single human on this planet must learn about the Wuhan virus and what Xi did. Decouple China from the rest of the world. And that's only the first month. Until China Pat's back the trillions they stole from us and pays for the countless lives lost and apologises publicly, we will remain enemies and at war

2. Dismantle the radical left. They have destabilise much of American life, have terrorised the population and have poisoned the minds of the youth. Make sure BLM and Antifa terror group declarations are in place. For Antifa for sure, blm assets should be frozen. An organisation that fire bombs police stations should not receive countless millions by apple and Nike. Hold all organisations accountable who funded the chaos and unrest. Just because you're Nike doesn't mean you won't have to post a price. I loved Nike shoes but will never ever buy them again. Same with apple

3. Expand footprint and partnership in SE Asia. Vietnam is a top candidate. They hate the Chinese (who doesn't) and are more and more open to a democratic system. They're not there yet, but the youth craves it

4. Have a national effort to excel in the critical sciences like computer, material and AI sciences. Stop all funding for critical race theory and similar divisive unproductive courses. We are at existential war with China and they're out matching our efforts in these fields. By sending back the Chinese visa program spies much of the theft will be reduced. On top, implement death penalty for Chinese spies. It is way overdue

There's much more that comes to mind:) looking forward to a trump victory and ending this pathetic idea of a Chinese century lol

Bye, chinese dreams of tyranny, hello freedom b;)

Anonymous said...

Ps I'd also suggest to strengthen or ties to Russia. This artificial animosity between Russia and the US is stupid..we are such closely related people, ethnically, culturally and ethically it makes no sense. We share religion, blood and mutual respect. None of those points are shared by China, so fck them. No more nice West is NY advice. China needs to be taught a few lessons and we need a revival of western spirit

B.Poster said...

Anon (6:54 & 6:57),

I like your optimism concerning a Trump reelection. I hope and pray it is justified.

As to improved relations with Russia, I've suggested this as a key goal numerous times here. Be warned though if you push this here expect some ri viciously attack you personally.

For what it's worth, I see nothing ethnically or culturally that unites us with Russia. I think of this more as motivated self interest. The US is largely a mid level power. Absent having the dollar as the reserve currency which is soon ending and the nuclear deterrent there's really nothing particularly impressive to anyone about us. If the US is going to survive let alone thrive, we will need powerful allies.

Will our nuclear arsenal even work if we needed it? After all our leadership neglected this for many years. Candidate Trump rightly addressed this during his campaign for his first term. He went on to say the first thing he did upon assuming office was to address this and fix it. I pray he did.

Anonymous said...

Bposter sometimes you're a bit too pro Russian and I'm one of those who criticised you.

I'm all for a new era between the West and Russia, as I like Russians and think you are quite smart and funny people. But I also know we've got some way to go.

A partnership needs goals and our common enemy is China. It only makes sense to reassess if that what kept us apart in the past, during the cold war, is still in place today. I know many Russians would love a better relationship with the West and I know many in the west who think this animosity between our nations is overdue for change. BUT principles are principles and some are non negotiable on our side, as well I'm sure there are some on your side.

I hope Trump and Putin will find a way. It almost seems as if a third party(China) heavily invests in our media and political systems to keep us artificially apart.

We shall see.

Anonymous said...
