Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Does Beijing Want Trump To Be Re-Elected Next Month?

Presidents Trump and Xi. Photo AP 

Donald Trump has frustrated and enraged China during a tumultuous first term, but Beijing may welcome his re-election as it scans the horizon for the decline of its superpower rival.

Relations are as icy as at any time since formal ties were established four decades ago, with China warning it does not want to be drawn into a new "Cold War" with the United States. 

Under his 'America First' banner, Trump has portrayed China as the greatest threat to the United States and global democracy.

WNU Editor: Does the Chinese government want President Trump to win the election next month? Absolutely not. On the issues that are vital to China .... maintaining a huge trade balance with the U.S., U.S. recognition and the selling of weapons to Taiwan, and U.S. efforts to assemble Asian countries into an alliance that will face China .... Beijing sees President Trump as the primary threat. Even the Chinese military are now making their U.S. views under President Trump very clear .... Chinese military calls US biggest threat to world peace (AP). Will a President Biden pursue the same China policies as President Trump? I have seen zero evidence that they will. On the contrary. They will try to reset the US-China relationship to a period before Trump. I just have to look at Biden's history with China to see where this is all going .... What's Biden's real China policy? Unlike Trump, he's done a 180 (Richard Grenell. The Hill).


Anonymous said...

Of course.

Anonymous said...

"On the issues that are vital to China .... maintaining a huge trade balance with the U.S.,"

Which will one day soon lead to loss of reserve currency status, massive inflation, a huge increase in poverty, social unrest that makes this summer look like a picnic,

But if you have cut off you nose in the past to spite your face, by all means vote for Dementia Joe.

G said...

Big War on the horizon see

G said...

War from heaven

G said...

Lie's lie's and more lie's ur final warning let my people go now

G said...

U foods

Anonymous said...

G what combination of prescription and street drugs do you use? I want some.

I remember a street preacher, who used to scream his head off in the quad at State U before we had air conditioning. Everyone enjoyed it. He'd get hoarse with all that palavering, so he would periodically reach down to the side of a bench and get a swig out of the bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag. He was an odious fixture.

jimbrown said...

Is any Trump family member on board of a 1 B CCP fund?

No. They own Joe.

Anonymous said...

ChiCom sign makers LOVE Trump - all his MAGA signs are manufactured there. So damn funny, he won't hire Americans to help get re-elected!! :-D

Anonymous said...


You have posted on every blog entry.

Hysterical much?

Anonymous said...


Official Trump campaign merchandise is made in the United States, which the website explicitly states.

Source: USA Today

It is very hard to make stuff in America. The Pentagon mandates that all uniforms and memorabilia be made in America.

So they are cap makers in the US. However, there could be capacity issues.

In spite of capacity issues, MAGA hats are made in America.

I've bought hats fro resale from American vendors. Have you?

Anonymous said...

Most people who comment here neither have Chinese contacts nor have been to China. I have both.

Let me say this: most mainland Chinese absolutely hate Trump by now. Different situation in Hong Kong, but by numbers that barely matters and matters less and less by the day (with Hong Kong now firmly under mainland control)

Anyone who suggests the Chinese want trump in the WH have zero knowledge and are just talking BS. The Fred Lapides types.

China experienced its worst economic year during the trump administration. Just last year, before the Wuhan virus befell the Earth, there was panic in China. I heard first hand discussions of getting rid of Xi, because he was out matched by Trump and many Chinese felt he was an embarrassment to China because Trump played him like a fiddle. That was the perception before covid.

Since then Xi is actually a bit more popular as he plays to the hardline base@invading Taiwan and because many Chinese believe in their narrative of an American virus that caused all this.

Either way, there's no love for Trump among most Chinese and especially not among the CCP. Without Trump's economic success, the idea was to overtake the US by 2020. Without the Wuhan virus, ie prior to the "outbreak", there was no chance. The US GDP grew to almost double the size of the Chinese gdp in record time. There was real panic in the Chinese leadership. Then covid "happened" and the rest is history.

So in short: I concur with wnu, knowing China well, there's zero love for Trump but a lot of money flowing towards narratives that favour Biden

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:16, how do you know when or where I have posted? What is my IP address?

Anonymous said...

There is more than one way to know. You don't have to illegally hack. You are concerned bro?


Are you doing something illegal?