Monday, October 26, 2020

French President Macron Says We Will Have To Live With The Coronavirus At Least Until Next Summer

French President Macron meets with medical staff in Pontoise

PARIS (Reuters) - France will have to live with the coronavirus at least until next summer, President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday.

Macron, who was speaking during a visit to a hospital in Pointoise, near Paris, said there were no plans at this stage to reduce curfews aimed at preventing the virus spreading but that curfews could even be extended. 

"When I listen to scientists I see that projections are for at best until next Summer," he said, adding it was too early to say if France was headed towards new full or partial lockdowns. 

The coronavirus is spreading through France faster than at the peak of the first wave in spring, a government scientific advisor said earlier on Friday. 

WNU Editor: My brother works for a company that is heavily involved in providing the tools that researchers need to develop a coronavirus vaccine. He agrees with President Macron's prediction that it will be the summer of 2021 before things change for the better. He also told me that the people that he works with are predicting a very brutal winter when it comes to this virus. Where Europe is today is where North America will be in 4 - 6 weeks.


B.Poster said...

"We're going to have to live with it." This is also what Trump stated curing the last debate. Of course I figured this out in March. I'm pleased to see that some in leadership are figuring this out as well. Hopefully this means they've abandoned the idea of "lockdowns" as a solution.

With that said I don't necessarily buy onto the premise that where Europe is today is where America will be 4 to 6 weeks from now. In America, our rise in cases is due in large part to heavy emphasis on testing, contact tracing, and overly sensitive tests that tend to err on the side of false positives.

This is a very serious disease and one should never get cocky when dealing with it. I remember when Europeans were raking us and president Trump over the proverbial coals with regards to our handling of this. Now see where they are. Perhaps their testing and contact tracing is way up as well and if they're using the same testing systems we are false positives are a serous problem.

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