Thursday, October 1, 2020

Hundreds Of Millions Of Chinese Are Going On Vacation Today


 * Footage and pictures show renowned scenic spots swamped by visitors in China 
 * Hundreds of millions are flocking to celebrate the Chinese National Day today 
 * Officials hope to boost the coronavirus-ravaged economy with 'revenge travel' 
 * About 550 million are expected to travel during the first major post-virus holiday 

Hundreds of millions in China have hustled to enjoy their first major national holiday since the country claimed to have contained its COVID-19 outbreak.  

The nation is also hoping to boost its coronavirus-ravaged economy by encouraging its citizens to take part in 'revenge travel'. 

Authorities estimate that around 550 million people will make trips within the country during the 'Golden Week' this year, an eight-day holiday celebrating China's National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Beijing has made the calculation that they can control any outbreak if it happens. We shall see.


Anonymous said...

It is the Fall Harvest Festival and falls on the same day this year as national day so it is a double whammy. People have got to have family get togethers and periodic holidays despite what liberals scream at you.

Liberals/Democrats do not think much of family get togethers. In fact, Democrats want to get abolish the family. No need for get togethers after that, eh? National class Democrats support BLM and BLM supports abolishing the family. Democrats are just evil.

The fall Harvest Festival and Spring Festival are still important in China and elsewhere. Your typical Michael Doomberg voter might sniff at such a holiday and call it quaint, but you average Doomberg voter is as stupid as Mikey who thinks all you have to do to be a farmer is poke a whole in the ground and drop a seed in it.

I hoe for the best for the Chinese people. They have mostly O blood type, so there is no cell surface sugar to get extra sticky and cause clots, if they get corona.

Anonymous said...

Correction: hope*

Anonymous said...

Troll above pretending to argue for Republican points but is in fact just troll troll doing troll troll stuff

Democrats love Chinese. We all know that. :))
Nice try though. Much troll power in this one. Big future in troll army

Anonymous said...

Where am I factually wrong?

I have found one area where I was. O blood type is lower in China than I thought it would be. It is 47.7%. So okay I was wrong just a little.

“The data right now, with the current coronavirus, suggests that people with Type A are about 20% to 30% more likely to get infected,” Drevets said. “People with blood Type O are about 20% to 30% less likely to get infected.”

"Patients with blood types B and AB who received a test were more likely to test positive and blood type O was less likely to test positive. Rh+ patients were more likely to test positive."

"“One factor is if you have Type O blood, that means you have natural antibodies to A and B,” Drevets said. “These blood types also impact the degree people clot their blood and because blood clotting is a big deal in coronavirus.”"

I can find studies that contradict this. But there it is.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.


"This idea isn’t unique to BLM, of course. “Disrupting” the “nuclear family” is a commonly stated goal among Maxist organizations. Given that BLM’s founders have specifically claimed to be “trained Marxists,” we should not be surprised that the organization's leadership has embraced a Marxian view of the family."

I won't give a link to the fact that National Democrats support BLM. If you watched the media, you have already seen it.

Fun Fact: American Astronaut Mark Kelly turned traitor and sold it to the Chinese. He is now a multi-millionaire. He also ditched his wife at the same time for something younger.

After all his Chinese contacts, he is now worth 27 million pieces of silver. He'll get up to 30 soon enough. His an "acta non verba" sort of ass.

Nice guy Mark.

Anonymous said...

Michael Bloomberg is still poorly educated.

'You put a seed in, you put dirt on top': Michael Bloomberg comes under fire for dig at farming suggesting it's easy, takes less 'gray matter' and that anyone could do it, after 2016 comments resurface

Anonymous said...

You troll pretend to be Republican. You're just a Democrat troll