Monday, October 12, 2020

India's COVID-19 Infections Have Surpassed 7 Million


Health ministry data showed a rise of almost 75,000 new cases, as experts warn of complacency. 

India has now reported more than seven million coronavirus cases as it gets a step closer to overtaking the United States as the world’s most-infected country. 

Health ministry data showed on Sunday that infections have risen by almost 75,000 to 7.05 million, second only to the US, which has recorded 7.67 million cases. 

With the number of new cases dipping in recent weeks, health experts warn of mask and distancing fatigue setting in. 

Experts say that the true number of infections may be much higher, as testing rates in the vast country of 1.3 billion people – home to some of the world’s most crowded cities – are much lower than in many other countries. 

WNU Editor: The true number is much higher. India's testing rates are one of the lowest in the world.

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