Saturday, October 3, 2020

Inside Walter Reed Hospital's 'Presidential Suite' Where President Trump Is Staying

The White House has said President Trump will continue to work from Walter Reed. One of the Rooms in Ward 71 is equipped with a desk for just that purpose 

 * President Trump was admitted to Walter Reed National Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, for COVID-19 treatment Friday evening 
 * Walter Reed is the nation's largest military medical center and has 244 patient beds, including 50 ICU beds 
 * The White House has said Trump will continue to work from the medical center 
 * He will stay in the Presidential Suite, one of six rooms reserved for high-ranking military offices and cabinet members 
 * It is 'specially outfitted with protective devices and communications gear used in support of the president' according to a former White House official 

 Now that he has arrived at Walter Reed National Medical Center for observation and treatment for COV-19, President Trump will be in the hands of 7,000 or so staff members including some of the nation's top doctors. 

Trump will stay in the hospital's designated Presidential Suite, a lavish portion of one of its 88 buildings. Known as Ward 71, the Presidential Suite is one of six special patient rooms reserved for high-ranking military officers and members of the White House cabinet. 

The suite is 'specially outfitted with protective devices and communications gear used in support of the president,' wrote Rear Admiral Connie Mariano, who served as a physician to both presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton and was director of the White House Medical Unit. 

WNU Editor: OK. It's looks nice. But the real value of the "Presidential Suit" is the "top-notch" medical equipment and personnel that are there.


Anonymous said...

I love my hyper-obese president. God speed large lad, god speed.

Anonymous said...

Bless your micro-heart. And god speed to you and your mother, my friend. Sorry, I meant you and your partner.

Anonymous said...

He wouldn't know the difference, he's just a loser, still looking for his mythical AK-47 on the wall.

Anonymous said...

I think what the first poster is saying is that the president is in terrible physical shape, really fat and just an all-around sack of garbage.

That's the gist, I think.

Anonymous said...

In the United States, 36.5 percent of adults are obese. Another 32.5 percent of American adults are overweight. In all, more than two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese.


The other 31%. Those maybe your 20 and 30 somethings. So the president is overweight. Who isn't?

Look at world leaders.

Xi: overweight
Boris Johnson: Obese
Merkel: Morbidly Obese No one talks about her with the same false concern.

She is a wreck of a leader.

"The idea is simple; if Coronavirus transmission mostly occurs indoors, bring the outdoors inside, to cut virus transmission.

The problem with this simple solution is millions of Germans, including business owners, won’t be able to afford to let the heat out. Many Germans already suffer severe fuel poverty, thanks to years of unsuccessful but hideously expensive German renewable energy policies.

Defeating Coronavirus may come down to a simple choice; let the virus take its course, or..."

Merkel's no coal and no nuclear energy pipe dream is causing people to dial back the thermometers and thus kill Germans.

Think of pathogen transmission in an airplane. They recirculate air more to save fuel and money. More expensive fuel means more cabin recirculation and less outside air. Pick you poison. I think the 1st poster, Mr. Gloating lib, did. He picked expensive energy and reduced HVAC and higher respiratory diseases. Now he needs to won his choices.

Maybe the 1st poster ought to educate himself.

Also Trump is overweight. Most people are. Can most people stand for 3 hours? No. Trump is pretty fit all things considering.

Anonymous said...

At 65 most people start losing weight.

That is not to say they are fit weight-wise, but they tend to lose weight.

Trump will start losing weight next year or in 4 years. He has a nag and like all spouse they are entitled to nag some since they signed the marriage contract.