Sunday, October 4, 2020

Is The U.S. About To Experience A Second Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Wave?

Reuters: As cold weather arrives, U.S. states see record increases in COVID-19 cases 

(Reuters) - Nine U.S. states have reported record increases in COVID-19 cases over the last seven days, mostly in the upper Midwest and West where chilly weather is forcing more activities indoors. 

On Saturday alone, four states - Kentucky, Minnesota, Montana and Wisconsin - saw record increases in new cases and nationally nearly 49,000 new infections were reported, the highest for a Saturday in seven weeks, according to a Reuters analysis. Kansas, Nebraska, New Hampshire, South Dakota and Wyoming also set new records for cases last week. 

New York is one of only 18 states where cases have not risen greatly over the past two weeks, according to a Reuters analysis. However, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Sunday he is moving to shut non-essential businesses as well as schools in nine neighborhoods, starting on Wednesday. The lockdown would require the governor’s approval. 

WNU Editor: Canada has been experiencing a second wave since the end of September .... Trudeau: Canada already in second wave of coronavirus (Politico). I live in Montreal, Quebec, and our numbers are now growing exponentially .... Quebec reports 1,079 new COVID-19 cases (Montreal Gazette).


Anonymous said...

It is called back to college. It will pass. Then will come a new wave, the 3rd wave, due to weather. It might not be as big as many people pray that it is.

Stephen Davenport said...

You are fear mongering again, I am a big fan of your site and agree with you most of the time but this has got to stop. You still talk like the politicians and other fear mongers as if this is a human extinction level event on the level of Ebola or the Black Death of the Middle Ages. All you have here is a flu with a potential for a bad pneumonia and a better than 97% survival rate. This is a fact not an opinion. We know exactly what this virus does and who is the most vulnerable. There is no "Second Wave".