Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Is The U.S. Presidential Election Driving You Nuts?

Man in a fetal position. (Shutterstock) 

In my household, the nightly self-administered dose of anxiety commences at dinnertime when my wife switches on MSNBC. As the president blunders through a press briefing leaving behind a trail of disinformation, my spouse invariably delivers an impassioned stream of expletives at the screen. Then we listen to the pundits, who have lately spent a worrisome amount of time commenting on the many devious ways in which our commander-in-chief could lose the election but remain president anyway. 

Frankly, I simply cannot deal with this possibility. I’m already on anxiety meds and there’s probably no medication in existence that can take the edge off the demise of democracy in America. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Among all of my American friends who are progressive. This election is driving them to an emotional level that I have never seen before. All of them. Among my American friends who are moderate and/or conservative .... their anxiety levels are high, some see this election as a "do or die" moment, all of them are worried, but they are not at the level that the above New York Daily News author is currently at. Mind you this could all change after the election. As to my own state of mind. I am not an American nor do I live in the US. A Trump re-election victory will not change my life. And as for a Biden victory .... it will probably provide me with certain opportunities to make some good money betting against his policies and what a Biden administration would hope to achieve. I cannot change the world. The only thing that I can do is position myself to protect what I have, and maybe profit from people and governments acting irresponsibly.


Anonymous said...

Alcohol. Large and continuous amounts of alcohol.

Anonymous said...

"I am not an American nor do I live in the US. A Trump re-election victory will not change my life. And as for a Biden victory ...."

The election outcome may make a difference to your way of life. In the 1980's and 1990's used to read news accounts of the Black Bloc in Europe and how they would tear things up. Western leaders would meet in Europe and they were there to tear things up. Oh joyfully, oh playfully!

I would think that is Europe; they are decadent.

But it spread to the US.

That virus will spread up I-5 past Seattle into Vancouver. It will spread from Detroit and New York into Ontario. You already have had protest in Montreal, but it can get worse.

Question is how much of this is natural and how much is forced or engineered? It has been documented that protesters have been provided money to travel to cities around the country on flights from one seaboard to the other. Will the billionaires give up? Get Bored? Reconsider? Get threatened by government actors? Run out of money?

RussInSoCal said...

That article provides a snapshot of the (epidemic of) mental illnesses that have gone mainstream in the US. Autism, paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, gender confusion, etc. Its is laughable that these people purport to fret about "the demise of democracy on America" when, a) they have no idea what system of gov't we have and, b) everything they have done to try to destroy this president has been anything but "democratic".

"The precious Constitution". "We must protect democraceee!!". Give me a break. You have leftist Dem mayors and governors prohibiting church services and literally locking the gates of synagogues. Then allowing riots and looting with no interference. They've completely infringed upon the 2nd amendment - ironically in cities with the worst gun violence. The Dems have called every one of our founders racist scum.

The Dems lose elections then want to change the rules to cement their power forever. And conveniently forget that we do not live in a "Democracy", the US is a Representative Republic. Wherein you vote for people to populate the government and they make decisions and laws on your behalf.

The Dems don't want democracy, they want mob rule. Take a look at Portland, Seattle, Chicago, NYC, L.A. and Denver and you'll get a feel for what that looks like.

And they can forget about dumping the electoral college. No small state would stand for it.

The bedwetting angst these people have worked themselves into is a result of the crazy leftist indoctrination going on in US schools. Its mental illness that isn't treated as such, but mainstreamed and encouraged and empowered.

These people hate the US. They hate it as it was founded and they hate it as it is. That's why they go berserk if they're prevented from destroying it.

Alex said...

I think you have a healthy perspective:
"I cannot change the world. The only thing that I can do is position myself to protect what I have, and maybe profit from people and governments acting irresponsibly" I'd like to live that way as well.

Living in Chicago I am in a left-wing echo chamber. Prior to that I was in a segment of the military which was a right-wing echo chamber. I'm trying to just go about doing my job with the understanding that the least important driver of events in my city is the presidency. We should be much more concerned with our governor, mayor, chief of police, and host of aldermen whose decisions significantly impact our lives.

I am heavily involved with a non-profit which works with at-risk young men of color in this city, and if my co-workers and friends are any indication, groups like us are forgotten by the large and comfortable middle class who rage at the Columbus statue in downtown and never shut up about the evils of Trump, but they have never stepped foot in Englewood, Garfield, Washington Park...they don't raise a finger to involve themselves meaningfully in the lives of a single person of the underclass.

Looking to the president is going to serve as either a scapegoat cause or scapegoat solution to our problems.

Anonymous said...

Democrats want mob rule, where the mob is controlled by an oligarchy (them).

Just about as base and short sighted monkey politics as you can get.

Anonymous said...

Gawd. These people should not ever be allowed to gain the levers of power. They are truly insane.

Anonymous said...

Which military segment and how was it an right wing echo chamber?

What is right wing?

Some people define anything to the right of Mao as rightwing.

Anonymous said...

Every SCOTUS nomination

Every piece of legislation, where they call out the troops

Every 2 years especially when control of The House of Representatives or Senate change change hands.

Impeachment (Ukraine Phone call) Assholes Eric Ciaramella and Alexa Vindmann

Mueller Report
Mueller (Demented confused figurehead) Weissman, and Mole (I'll wear a wire Rosenstein)

Russia Hoax

Any meeting with foreign heads of state

Illegal Migration

Gold Star families of victims of illegal immigrants

The Wall.

Global Warming Brown nosers do not explain how The USA has to cut some amount of CO2 or else we are doomed. But they never explain or bother to explain how the USA could cut the amount, China could increase by the amount and how we are not then doomed?

H1B and H2B Visas

Defense Budget (every year)

Tax rates (But the CBO said ...) CBO does not use dynamic scoring. Somehow we are suppose to throw out economic, mathematics, psychology and history and just listen to the CBO. Why TF go to college then?

Could go on.

But it is crazy time all the time in America.

Andrew Jackson said...

Hey Alex whats your'e salary at the"nonprifit

Hey Alex whats your'e salary at the"nonprofit"lol!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the "Lapides" family portrait above the post.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Jackson,

Your last post is by far it is one of your better posts.

But could you be nicer? Alex is one of the best posters here. Have you read or do you remember all of his posts?

I think yours was a fair question. Myself I am critical of many nonprofits and I believe I can defend my criticisms. But we do not know, if he works for a non-profit in a paid position or what kind of value that non profit does or does not add.

Anonymous said...

You all act like this blog isn't a Trump echo chamber LOL

Anonymous said...

What do you want? Pro-Biden comments? He can probably comments for 5 minutes at a time for about 4 of his 12 to 16 waking hours.

You want Pro-DNC comments? They are running Joe Biden. See above.

What is good about the Democrat Party?

Ayanna Preskley?
Rashifa Tlaib?
Ilhan Omar (not her real surname)
Maxcine Waters?
Shiela Jackson Lee?
Kamala (I slept with Willie Brown to climb the ladder) HArris?
Bill (I was on Epstein's plane and his island) Clintons?
Barack ( dindo nuffin Russia Hoax) Obama?
Senator Leaky Leahy (who liked to leak classified material) aka Senator Depends.

Name about 6 prominent Democrats and defend their record and statement.

RussInSoCal said...

4:08 PM

Actually I don't believe I've ever acted that way. And I'm pretty happy about it.

Unknown said...

Speaking about making money, going to get a good five figure pay day wagering against Trump. Keep believing your conspiracy theories and being part of the losing side of history.

Anonymous said...

The way the betting odds are, you have to bet 5 or 6 figures for Biden to win to get a 5 figure payday.

So you are going to risk 27,000 to win 10,000 (5 figures).

Go for it.

Unknown said...

Unless I got my wager in early September when Biden was getting near even odds. The more you know huh.