Monday, October 26, 2020

Israeli Media Says Mossad Brought China's Coronavirus Vaccine To Israel To Study And Learn From It

Coronavirus vaccine under development (illustrative) (photo credit: DADO RUVIC/REUTERS) 

The report comes as countries and companies around the world race to develop a vaccine.

The Mossad brought China's coronavirus vaccine to Israel in recent weeks in order to study and learn from it, Channel 12 reported on Monday. 

The report comes as countries and companies around the world race to develop a vaccine, with cyberattacks and espionage reported against a number of developers. 

Israel is trying to reach agreements to purchase coronavirus vaccines from several other potential developers, according to a senior Health Ministry official who is in the know. 

WNU Editor: No one should be surprised that every major intelligence agency in the world is probably focused on knowing what other countries and companies are doing when it comes to producing a vaccine for this coronavirus. As for Israel, they will be starting human trials for their vaccine next week .... Human trials for Israeli coronavirus vaccine to begin November 1 (Times of Israel).


Anonymous said...

Just ask Fauci. He designed COVID 19 in conjunction with the Chinese. If he designed it, then he knows the antidote (vaccine). He is just waiting to spring his trap. The crisis has not sufficiently played out to drive up the price for his cure to sell by a high enough price.

His therapeutic drug did not pan out, so he is really mad. He is going to hold off on the vaccine.

Usually when you use company resources to invent something, the company gets the invention rights. You get a nice bonus, you name on the patent, bragging rights, and promotion up the ladder.

How is it that Fauci learned everything he has learned outside of college on the government's dime and he expects to be Bill gate's rich or at least filthy rich with a new drug or a vaccine?

CIA black site time?

Hans Persson said...

Time for you to take off the tinfoil hat

Anonymous said...

I took some literary or poetic license with that description.

Fauci does not have an antidote.

But he did author the virus. Not alone, but in coordination with bat shit crazy woman.

Fauci wanted "gain of function testing" conducted. It was a prohibited in the US, so Facui offshored the effort. Is that moral?

Is the morality of conducting gain of function (GoF) testing similar to the testing Mengele or Unit 731 conducted?

Should not the people of the US have been consulted by Dr. Fauci?

The people were consulted and they through their duly elected representatives said "No!" during the Obama era no less. Dr. Fauci used their money, American tax money, and went around the will of the people.

Dr. Fauci may not know exactly what was in the virus when it hit before its genetic code was sequenced. He still might not know. He might be a step or two behind Biden. The Chinese might have lied to him about the GoF testing. Dr. Fauci might not have asked. Dr. Fauci just might have thrown money at the Chinese and been very specific like said "Research in this area!"

There are 3 theories about the virus origin

1) Wet Market
2) Escaped BSL 4
3) Intentional release.

"The report — obtained by the London-based NBC News Verification Unit — says there was no cellphone activity in a high-security portion of the Wuhan Institute of Virology from Oct. 7 through Oct. 24, 2019, and that there may have been a "hazardous event" sometime between Oct. 6 and Oct. 11."

You might say the report is BS. The Americans suck at humint, but they are pretty good at sigint. The Russia had their soldier turn their phones in or do not let them carry them in the field. American soldiers are not allowed to carry their phones while deployed.

Absence of proof is not proof of absence. Just because NBC or other news org's cannot confirm it means they are not good at their job, no one is leaking to them, or that occasionally governments are good at keeping secrets. They use the colander description for leaks and not that of a large gauge pipe from the source to the public.

Maybe tinhat

Patent Number: 9896509, patent granted August 3, 2016. “Use of antagonists of the interaction between HIV120 and ?4?7 integrin.

Publication Number: 20160333309, patent application filed August 3, 2016. “Use of Antagonists of the Interaction Between HIV GP120 and A4B7 Integrin.

Patent Number: 9441041, patent granted September 13, 2016. “Use of antagonists between HIV GP120 and ?4?7 integrin.”

Publication Number 2016007586, patent application filed September 21, 2015. “Use of antagonists of the Interaction Between HIV GP120 and A4B7 Integrin.”


G said...
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