Sunday, October 4, 2020

Media Outraged After President Trump Makes Surprise Visit To Supporters Outside Walter Reed Hospital

WNU Editor: I noticed that the people inside the car were wearing PPEs. Is that good enough to placate the media and President Trump's opponents? I would say no. 

Update: This Walter Reed doctor is not happy (see below). He is a critic of the President (according to his Twitter feed) and a regular guest on CNN. Any bets that he is going to be on tonight?


Anonymous said...

Yes, WNU, just the "media". No one else. Just the "media".

Great points, as always.

Anonymous said...

If the SUV is hermetically sealed chemical attack, then maybe the air filtration system is proof against chemical attack?

I swear they must get actors and reporters form the same barrel of bad apples.

Anonymous said...

Supposing the presidents ride has air filtration that can handle chemical attack, they obviously are not going to tell you how long the protection lasts or against what.

The reporters could watch a grade B sci-fi film for the 1950's and get a clue. It would be better than anything they could come up with or research on the internet.

Anonymous said...

What a grumpy bunch. Do we need a diapee change?
These people and their comments are tedious. Tiring.

Anonymous said...

Not nearly as tedious and tiring as your remarks are.

fazman said...

Exactly, CNN is about the level of outrage, risk is minimal.

fazman said...

Exactly, roll on Nov

Layguy said...

Give me liberty or give me covid 19.

B.Poster said...

He's not very ill. He's mostly as symptomatic qnd any symptoms he had were very mild. Were he not POTUS he wouldn't have been hospitalized. In recommending hospitalization maybe the medical team panicked. Maybe they wanted him to look bad.

POTUS is not very ill. His hospitalization sucked up valuable resources away from veterans who are seriously ill to serve an as symptomatic POTUS. This should be the focus of the mediw.

POTUS is deemed very imortant in the world. He's even been given the ridiculous title of "leader of the free world." For him not to take a trip around the medical center to ensure people he is fine would've been a dereliction of duty and a complete failure in leadership.